This is a wonderful diverse collection of tales with something to offer just about everyone, although it will probably be of more interest to readers who are either new to the scene, or only casual participants. Those who are already heavily invested in bondage and submission as a lifestyle may find this a little light, but it's still a great read.
The collection starts off, rather appropriately, with Melting Ice - a tale of experimental self-bondage involving one woman, a pair of handcuffs, and a key trapped in an ice cube. From there, it progresses through intimate scenes involving pairs of lovers, more intense scenes involving multiple submissives (and switches), and some outright exhibitionist displays.
There's a lot of focus on the anticipation, on the sensuality of being restrained, as opposed to the more punished aspects of being bound. More often than not, it takes several pages before a cuff, collar, or rope even makes an appearance, but the 'threat' looms large, drawing the reader into the story. Most of the stories revolve around existing relationships, so there's an element of safety involved, although there is still very much a power exchange to be respected.
Female domination seems to be a predominant theme here, which is probably the reason why my spouse and I had so much fun with the stories. There are plenty of tales where the men are in control, however, and even some where who's in control isn't readily apparent . . . and where that control shifts rather abruptly. What's more, the focus of these stories is rather refreshingly on the bondage and the exchange of power, with sex secondary in most cases, and almost an afterthought in others.
Well worth a read . . . and even better if you have the opportunity to share it.☺
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