I absolutely love to twist the elements of genres and even
combine them, whatever best suits my vision. I find it all so fascinating, so
thrilling. You can do anything when you write. Why stick to the rules? I choose
to believe there really are no rules. Why stifle your art based on someone
else’s ideology?
A writer shouldn’t hesitate, should never question the path,
and should always just go with it. The story will always suffer if the writer
adheres to fear and self-censorship. I believe audiences, especially readers,
are intelligent, open-minded, and ready for journeys that can not be found in
any other medium. Movies aren’t quite as bold as novels and short stories.
Written storytelling offers freedom, not just for the writer, but for the
reader as well.
My favorite authors are Shirley MacLaine, Stephen King,
Clive Barker, Anne Rice… they are all fearless, and in that they are also
pioneers. Everything I’ve read by them is innovative, courageous, and
absolutely brilliant. From their real-life adventures to their fictional
explorations, I find everything they do completely mesmerizing. For me, as a
writer, they are inspirations and I would even dare say heroes! They have all
twisted genres, mixing them, and created masterpieces in the process.
Incorporating traditional elements of drama, I reveal the
internal and external struggles of my main character, Kincaid. He’s emotional,
he’s angry, he’s damaged, and he’s beautiful. Every flaw is there. He’s an open
wound. He’s a human being.
There’s a dash or two of fantasy with oceanic dreams and
angelic visions. And there is a heaping tablespoon of erotica. The final
ingredient is horror. When it reveals itself, it’s hardcore and intense. It’s
all there and I pull no punches in my exploration of each of these elements.
It’s a great ride.
The Angels of Autumn
was an absolute joy to write. It was so much fun. I can’t wait for people to
read it.
The Angels of Autumn
A Profound and Powerful Gay Erotic
From Chapter Five…
The Lombardi Funeral Home was among the oldest of
buildings in Wren, constructed in the late 1800s as both a business and a
residence by the Lombardi family, immigrants from Italy, of course.
They conducted the bulk of their unusual profession on
the shadowy, beautifully decorated, meticulously maintained first level while
the untidy dealings with body preparation were carried out in the basement. The
second and third levels were where they actually lived. Kept in the family for
well over a hundred years by strict legal clauses in every will and testament
down the Lombardi line it was now owned and operated by the widow Mary Anne
Lombardi and her only son, Angelo.
Kincaid felt queasy as he looked around the parlor.
The furnishings were ancient, most assuredly antiques, perhaps even the
original Italian décor, all aglow in the flickering light of electric candles.
Aside from what little daylight filtered in through the dark sheers, there were
no other light sources. A little bell had announced his arrival several minutes
before but he’d yet to be greeted.
There was a musty smell and a pungent chemical odor
beneath it. Someone, somewhere deep in the house turned on a hissing record
player and after a few scratchy seconds a low, somber sonata began to play over
unseen speakers. A curtain parted and a tall shadowy figure emerged. He said,
“How may I help?”
Angelo was a handsome man with typically Italian
features. He was dressed in a nice, solemn suit and had his hair combed
strictly back. His large hazel eyes fell on his guest and there was an audible
sound of shock, a sigh and then a deep intake of air. He said, “Kincaid. Wow, I
thought you’d never come back to this place especially when you didn’t attend
your brother’s funeral. Everyone thought it was pretty scandalous. So,
how’s it going?”
Ignoring the crude judgment, Kincaid detected a
genuine surprise in Angelo’s voice. He was the same age and had been in many of
the very same classes as the Kingsley twins, he’d even been one of the
disapproving assholes who had put them through hell. Angelo had been one of the
popular kids, one of the over-exulted Wren Dragons, a dumb jock destined to
forever mourn his golden high school days. As an adult, Angelo didn’t seem so
intimidating anymore. He was just a man in his late twenties, wasting away in
the family business, no longer taut, tan and toned, no longer important, no
longer a Dragon…the toast of the town. He had a beer belly which alone
made Kincaid happy. “I’m okay,” he replied. “How have you been?”
Angelo’s lips quivered when he forced a smile and
answered, “Good. Thank you. How’s your mother?”
“As good as can be expected, I guess.”
Angelo said, “Right. Well, how can I help you?” He was
stiff, formal. The fingers of his hands were entwined and resting at his waist.
He cocked his head to one side, the sympathy in his eyes was counterfeit, a
professional automation.
“I wanted to talk to you about my brother’s funeral,
actually.” Kincaid found he couldn’t look at Angelo when he said ‘funeral,’ and
so he diverted his gaze across the room to nothing in particular. Everything
about the place was so old.
Angelo’s voice got deeper and there was a hint of
umbrage to it. “I imagine you would. Your mother expressed her disappointment
in your brother’s restoration. We’re very sorry she was so displeased. I assure
you we pro-rated our fees accordingly.”
Kincaid slowly brought his attention back to his host
and said, “Yeah well, do you do the restoration?”
“No. My mother does.” Angelo’s stance changed, he was
getting defensive both vocally and physically.
“May I speak with her, please?”
“I’m not here to cause a scene or anything. I just
want to talk to her. That’s all, Angelo. I’m not going to berate your mother.”
The Italian man just stood there for several tedious
and silent moments assessing the guest’s intentions. Kincaid refused to look
away this time no matter how nerve-racking or unsettling the situation slowly
became. He wasn’t in high school anymore, he wasn’t the frightened and
belittled teenager who shied away from everyone and Angelo wasn’t the pompous
cock-of-the-walk anymore. They were adults and far more equal now than Angelo
was probably even aware of.
Kincaid prepared himself for a physical altercation.
Being picked on mercilessly had prompted him to take quite a few self-defense
classes over the years. Angelo might have been able to beat the shit out of him
once, long ago, but his glory days were long over. He was out of shape and
didn’t have his buddies around to back him up. Kincaid put on a confident
little grin and stated, “I said please.
Angelo’s shoulders slouched ever so slightly. He
swallowed hard and his eyes turned down as his voice became professional,
disengaged. He said, “Of course. If you’ll excuse me I’ll see if she’s
available. Please, take a seat.”
“Thank you, Angelo,” Kincaid said lowly.
Angelo nodded and disappeared behind the curtain.
Kincaid turned and meandered into the small, dismal
sitting room and over to a stiff, uncomfortable sofa and sat down. A spider
crawled over the surface of the weathered coffee table. Not particularly
squeamish about such things, Kincaid watched it with a distracting fascination,
the way it moved, the legs click, click, clicking along.
He frowned as he realized that this spider was malformed. It had nine legs
instead of eight and yet the added appendage didn’t seem to impede it in the
slightest. He found himself leaning down, close, to get a better view of the
little creepy crawly. The spider stopped. Perhaps it was now quite aware of its
audience. It was perfectly still, frozen.
“Mr. Kingsley.” The voice was soft.
Kincaid flinched. The spider lurched into motion and
scurried over the edge of the table and vanished. Being polite, Kincaid stood
and turned his attention to the petite woman standing in the entranceway. She
clutched a leather-bound portfolio to her bosom. Her salt and pepper hair was
pulled into a tight bun on her head. She had modest make-up on and was dressed
in a long, conservative black dress. There was a beautifully crocheted shawl
draped over her shoulders perhaps utilized to hide the slight curvature of her upper
spine. Kincaid said, “Ms. Lombardi, thank you for seeing me.”
She smiled courtly and entered the room, moved
gracefully around the back of the sofa and sat down next to her guest. Kincaid
sat down as well. Her eyes were down. He wondered what she was thinking. He
imagined she thought he was there to complain. He wanted to reassure her he was
not and so he said, “I didn’t come here to…”
Without looking at him, she shoved the portfolio at
him. Sheepishly, he accepted it and took a deep breath before opening it. For a
moment he expected to see pictures of his dead brother, before and after. It
wasn’t something he was even remotely interested in. They were pictures of the
dead and indeed they were before and after shots, instamatic snapshots,
many of them yellowed with age. The first was an old man whose face had
practically been pulled off in some horrible accident. After the restoration he
simply appeared as though he were napping. The second was a woman whose
forehead had been cleaved open and again the after picture was perfect. On and
on the pictures went, each turn of the page revealing flawless transformations.
She said demurely, “My work. As you can see, I am very
good at it.”
“It’s immaculate, you’d never know, but my mother said
she could…” Kincaid paused as a realization hit him. He turned his eyes away
from the Polaroid snapshots in the photo album. The widow Lombardi looked sad
and afraid at the same time. His voice was shaky, hesitant. He said, “You did
it on purpose.”
Mary Anne nodded and took the album back from him, she
closed it and pressed it, embraced it, to her breast. Her eyes moved
downward until she stared at the floor and there she focused for a long time,
barely breathing, silent and still. She was contemplating something. Kincaid’s
mind raced with what those thoughts might be. His heart fluttered nervously.
What secret was she about to reveal?
Great post! Thank for coming along for Joshua's book tour. Bending the Bookshelf is a great site for those with an open mind.
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