
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Late Celebration of International Transgender Day of Visibility

How did you celebrate International Transgender Day of Visibility?

For those of you not aware of the day, it was started in 2010 by Rachel Crandall, Executive Director of Transgender Michigan, as a counterpart to the Transgender Day of Remembrance. Her vision was to set aside a day where, instead of mourning, we could focus on the positive, celebrate ourselves, and help raise awareness.

I feel bad that I wasn't online blogging and tweeting away all day, like I should have been, but sometimes nasty things like work rear their ugly heads and demand our complete and slavish attention. I may have been stuck in the office all day, but I still did my part to be visible with pink socks, a pink shirt, and pink unmentionables. I also set aside some time to catch up with this year's Trans 100 list, while making some reading progress on Cevin's Deadly Sin, a lovely YA novel from Sally Bosco about a young man who just happens to find comfort and happiness in wearing women's clothing.

If you're looking for a way to celebrate, the lovely and fantastic Giselle Renarde is giving away her Red Satin Collection over at Smashwords through April 4th (use coupon code YC48W). Giselle is an ally in the strongest, most intimate sense of the word - the woman she loves is trans (as are many of her friends), and her writing always puts a positive, empowering spin on the community. If you do happen to grab a copy (I recommend it highly), then please stop by her blog and say thanks. Just don't blame me if you find yourself addicted, and suddenly eager to gobble up all of her trans titles, because it's bound to happen. :)

Another title you may want to consider is Sunshine Mugrabi’s memoir, When My Boyfriend Was A Girl. Released last month, it's a fantastic book for helping to build bridges between the transgender community and the non-transgender communities. Sunshine allows readers into the lives of herself and her husband, Leor, in hope of dispelling the many myths about transgender people, while giving readers insight into transgender relationships – and more importantly, their own relationships, regardless of their sexual orientation. They were both looking for love. She, a bisexual woman. He, a transgendered man. What could possibly go wrong?

Finally, if you're looking for some fun, sexy titles, we've just received review copies of Ladyboys, Ladygirls And Those In-Between, the latest from Chris Burrows, as well as He's a Geek Girl Now!, the debut story from Andrea Bakston.


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