
Friday, March 28, 2014

Freebie Fiction Friday - Get 'em while they're hot!

Well, if it's Friday, then that must been it's time for Freebie Fiction Friday!

Every Friday I take the initiative to search through thew newly free titles on Amazon, and to identify those that might be of interest to trans* readers, fans, and lovers. Even if you don't have a Kindle, you can still download the titles through one of Amazon's free reading applications, and covert it (if need be) with Calibre. I can tell you I do most of my reading on my iPad, using Kindle for iPad, and it works beautifully.

Please do be sure to check the price before downloading anything, though, as most freebies are limited time offers, and some are specific to certain regions.

A bit of a smaller selection this week, but some fantastic variety . . .


  1. Hey, thanks for the promo on Saving the Princess! I have it available through tomorrow, March 29th for free, then it goes back to regular price. I may do another free promotion of it in a month if I get any sales on the sequel, Scouting Mission. If you liked Saving the Princess, I think you'll like Scouting Mission as well.

    I'm presently working on the third (and last) story in the trilogy, as yet untitled. Saving the Princess tells the story of Sir Galeran and Mylla, who by way of magic share more than most couples, and their interactions with the wizard Simon. Scouting Mission tells the story of Sir Gerard, son of Galeran and Mylla, and his unusually close interaction with the goblins of the Dark Forest and the witch they took prisoner. The third book will tell the tale of Merewin, sister to Sir Gerard, who takes a thief prisoner only to be captured herself.

    But I suck at writing blurbs. Have a read for free, on me, and then catch up with me on Facebook:

    or on my Tumblr page:

    Again, thanks for the promotion!

  2. Thank you very much for showcasing my book here. I really appreciate that. It will be available free through the 4th of April, so that your readers know :D Again, I appreciate it, and hope that some of my Queens love the book dedicated to them!
