
Monday, December 5, 2022

Book Review: The Office Gurl by Lilly Lustwood (erotic romance, transgender)

The Office Gurl
Author: Lilly Lustwood
Publication Date: November 16, 2022
Genres: Erotic Romance
Protagonist Gender: Transgender
Sexuality: Bisexual

I've had the pleasure of knowing Lilly Lustwood for a while now and have always been attracted to her spirit of fun and adventure. Whether it's in how she writes, markets her work, or just chats with others, she's always so upbeat and kink-positive. She excites me, and I knew her stories would as well, so I'm delighted to have the opportunity to return the pleasure with a review.

When Lilly told me The Office Gurl was one of her favorites, I knew that was where I had to start. There's a lot of gender exploration going on with this story, with a femboy turned crossdressing twink turned transgender woman (and his transgender best friend), and the story explores the full range of sexuality, but what pulls it all together are two things - the plot and the narrative.

I want to take a moment to talk narrative first because a story is only as good as it's telling. This is well-told, with lots of wonderful detail, and some of the word choices, which might otherwise seem almost formal, lend it an exotic air. More than that, though, it's the originality of the metaphors and the  cuteness of the descriptions within the narrative that made me smile with delight - things like "her estrogen-laced candy stick."

Getting back to the plot, there's a lot going on here to admire, starting with how Aaron's transformation into Amanda gives her a sense of power and a newfound confidence that soon has her sleeping her way to success. Rather than stop at that erotic trope, though, Lilly follows the story through and explores the consequences of such activities, allowing for real growth and development in Amanda's character. What seems like nothing more than a fun romp slowly develops deeper significance.

In terms of erotic content, The Office Gurl has plenty of fun scenes of sexual exploration, including some wonderful first-time experiences that beautifully blend anticipation with arousal. The romance doesn't really come to the forefront until the last few chapters, but it makes for a wonderful happily-ever-after.

Rating: ♀ ♀ ♀ 

My sincere thanks to the author for sending me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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