
Saturday, March 7, 2020

TGCaption - Corporate Indiscretions (magic genderswap)

TG Captions are one of my favorite forms of storytelling. There is no narrative fluff, no extraneous details, just the hook, the twist, and the climax.

I created this, on the fly, at the last minute, without paying attention to ALL the instructions, for a caption contest over at 'Dee'lusions of Grandeur

Spell, Document, or Contract .. of some sort that works in an unexpected way due to an error of syntax, spelling, or other problem with wording. 

I liked it, and I'm still quite happy with it, but I messed up . . . and Dee called me on it.

Still smarting from my spankings, I had to recreate the caption above while standing, but not only did I expand it to include a spell AND a contract, but I dealt with that pesky issue of wording. I like both captions, but this one is definitely a bit more self-explanatory.


  1. I think the 2nd one is much better, and not just saying that because you finally followed my directions! The 2nd one is definitely more self-contained.

    I am also wondering which porn studio this picture came from, since I am pretty damn sure I have other sets with different models, all on that same set.

    Hopefully your work will calm down and you'll have more time for fun soon. That, or they'll have to give you a contract like this so you can at least put some pleasure into your work while you're there!

  2. Well rules are rules's almost like you broke your contract with Dee....a very dangerous thing to do....Dee is so unpredictable!!!
    I liked the new one better myself.....I don't do caps but it got a lot of story into a small space and did so very effectively!!!!
    I showed this one to my wife and she marvels that you have the time to do this along with all the other work your blog involves....
    She wished she could use a spell like this on her corporate colleagues...she gets tired of the Boys Club from time to time!!!!
