
Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Becoming a Girl In by Daniela R. Lovejoy (bodysuit masking feminization)

While it was not explicitly called out in the blurb, what initially drew me to Zipped In as my first Daniela R. Lovejoy read was the suggestion of female bodysuits. They are sadly underrepresented in fiction, but she made wonderful use of that tool of gender transformation. With the sequel, Becoming a Girl, she goes even farther with the fantasy and takes us even deeper into the science behind it.

As this second story opens, Max has just stolen the keys to the secret door within the member's only area of The Girls Club, only to be confronted by James, his best friend - who not only does not believe his story, but forces him to return the key. Still desperate for answers, Max takes a huge chance that proves to have exciting benefits . . . but hidden consequences as well.

I loved Max's overeager efforts to play a seductive woman here, testing the waters with another woman and trying to gauge her interest. The lesbian sex that follows is explicit, erotic, and exceptional, full of touching, teasing, and tasting. Lovejoy does a lovely job of exploring their mutual pleasures, and does a wonderful job of capturing the newness and intensity of Max's experience.

This second story slips a bit more into science fiction territory, giving Max a glimpse of the lab where the bodysuits are created, and allowing the reader to learn along with him. Lovejoy puts a lot of detail into the history of the bodysuits, their creation, and their functionality - and that is where the story sort of twists and turns into something entirely new. With his fears put to rest, Max is free to consider his feelings, and he just may not want to escape the bodysuit after all. That, of course, encourages him to make the most of the experience, and if that means seducing his best friend, so much the better - although secrets have a way of coming between friends as much as lovers.

I do so hope Becoming a Girl is not the end of the story, not just because there are some unanswered questions, but because I really want to see where Max's emotional journey takes him next. There is so much character growth and development between the two books, I would love to see him make that key decision to accept his fate.

Born and living in the Northwest near beautiful nature with both forest and coast with in walking distance, Daniela likes to wander in those surroundings when the weather allows it. She enjoys the fresh air, and it gives her mind space to let new ideas flow. When not writing, she loves to cuddle up with a book or watch a TV series or hang out with her friends and family.


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