
Saturday, December 21, 2019

TGCaption - Frozen Princess

TG Captions are one of my favorite forms of storytelling. There is no narrative fluff, no extraneous details, just the hook, the twist, and the climax.

Each year, Rachel's Haven does a 25 Caps of Christmas 2019, and this year I claimed the last weekend before the holiday for myself.

I chose to ease into the weekend by going sweet and happy and full of love, a true-to-the-heart caption that I am dedicating to my beloved . . . who first recognized the Princess in me.


  1. Wonderful job Sally! I've noticed that while people do enjoy the kinky stuff for Xmas captions, they also just ADORE when a sweet and heartfelt work comes down the pike at this time of the year.

    And since I am the one that has to follow the Sally Bend Weekend on "25 Caps of Christmas 2019" with something on Christmas Eve, I'm shaking in my stilettos wondering what I am going to post there now!

    1. Oh, I didn't shy away from the naughty list . . . as you'll see in my second caption.

      Thank you for inviting me to the Haven, politely pestering me to get contributing, and just inspiring me all around. So happy to consider you a friend, and looking forward to the new year together. :)

  2. This is just lovely.....and I can really appreciate how finding....or being found by the right person can have a profound effect on your happened to me and I'm so glad that someone unlocked the Princess in you too!!!!

    1. Thank you, Kaaren - I knew you would appreciate it. Sometimes we can be kinky and silly and just plain sexy, but sometimes you have to pay homage to the women who made us who we are today. :)

      Thank you for all you do, all you share, and all you contribute. I look forward to your posts every morning, and hearing that your wife approves of my efforts . . . well, it makes me feel like you're a spiritual sister as much as a friend. :)
