
Thursday, November 7, 2019

Femtech Wars Episode 1: A New Woman by Wendy Thorne (fembot scifi)

For this week's illustrated delight, I am delighted to have the opportunity to feature some more exciting titles (and artists) from Amazing Transformation Comics.

Wendy Thorne, one of the co-founders of the site, graces us once again this morning, sharing her latest bestseller, Femtech Wars Episode 1: A New Woman 


Something new and definitely a little different, Femtech Wars Episode 1: A New Woman is the story of a man, a female android (or fembot), and a organized resistance against the Femtech empire. Fittingly for such a space opera tale, Wendy Thorne opens it with some visuals that are right out of Star Wars, but with a little dark humor to the narration and some erotic elements to the visuals. For instance, Taylor 8 is far sexier than anything or anyone ever seen on screen, and Inquisitor 1138 is exactly the dangerously sexy protagonist fans always craved.

This reads like a pulp sci-fi adventure, full of plotting, battles, and daring escapes. It feels epic in scope, with so much going on - so much so, in fact, that this is just a chapter, with more story still to come. It is erotic in the costuming and figures, but light on nudity and sexual escapades, until the very end of the story . . . which, not coincidentally, is where the gender transformation element begins to come to the forefront.

Visually, this is a joy for sci-fi and space opera fans, with massive spaceships, gorgeous space vistas, claustrophobic corridors, laser swords, and fembots. The characters look fantastic, and the costumes are almost as exciting as the technology of the fembots. I do not know that I have ever become so lost in the visuals of a comic, pouring over each panel to admire the detail. I felt a mixture of childish excitement and very adult arousal.

Wendy Thorne, also known as WendyTheRed, has been creative ever since she was a child. As she got older that creative side expressed itself in writing and drawing but it wasn't until she started doing 3D renders that her creativity truly flourished. Wendy’s comics tend to focus on total transformations that are generally accomplished through science fiction and fantasy means. She will also have elements of BDSM and mind control in her comics as well.

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