
Saturday, August 3, 2019

TGCaption - Industrial Sissy Dreams (sissy bimbo slut)

TG Captions are one of my favorite forms of storytelling. There is no narrative fluff, no extraneous details, just the hook, the twist, and the climax.

The first thing I saw in this picture was that giant hook and the look of confusion on the face of the naked cutie. I knew exactly what she was thinking and how the caption would end, I just needed to figure out how she ended up there.


  1. Damn, there's a lot going on there under the surface, which you brought out in an almost sterilized, Department of Human Services styled report .. which makes you wonder if the story is being told BY those dark forces. And for TG captions, you don't usually get that side (the changers viewpoint) presented with any regularity.

    It started out as a Bruce Springsteen song, got even darker, and then you got that glimpse of hope while still trapped in the shadows of the night on the edge of town, so yeah, it ends like a Springsteen song too!

  2. I am not nearly as analytical as Dee, but I think her comment is spot on. From my perspective, I just love when you ask a picture to tell it's story, and it gives you a caption (which you may already know about me) :) Nice (as in skillful) twist at the end. Great work!
