
Saturday, June 22, 2019

TG Caption - The Final Touch

TG Captions are one of my favorite forms of storytelling. There is no narrative fluff, no extraneous details, just the hook, the twist, and the climax.

For those of you who do not know, Ariel Starz is retiring from TG captioning, but she is running one Final caption contest to say goodbye with the theme of, well, Final, as in end result, unchangeable, last test, final reflection, etc.

I had a little fun with this one, pulling in two of my fave people - Kaaren and Dee - to help bring about an entirely satisfying climax!


  1. Aww, I get to share cummy kisses with you? How sweet! Though how I got into "Sissy School" when obviously I was trying to enroll in "Silly School" is beyond me!

    And say what you want, but we all know that it was the unicorn pinata that put Kaaren over the top. Sissies just have an affinity for pink things that are pointy and filled with treats!

    1. True, accessories do make the sissy!

    2. Hey!!!!
      No cummy kisses for me???
      And truth be told it wasn't the pinata that sealed the deal it was what was in it....but I'll just leave that to your wonderful imaginations!!!!
      Love you girls!!!!
      I'm always flattered when I'm included even if I didn't get kisses this time!!!!
