
Monday, April 15, 2019

Joyce's Choices by Terri Peterson (bisexual BDSM)

A departure from her Smeared Lipstick series, Joyce's Choices sees Terri Peterson indulge in the erotic exploration of a woman both claiming and discovering her sexuality. It is a book with a strong, confident, sexually mature young woman, a character you cannot help but like and admire.

We first meet Joyce in a coffee shop, where she deliberately positions herself so that her skirt rides up, giving a strange a good glimpse of her panties. She confronts him, teases him, and then invites him to follow her to the bathroom - where, instead of orally servicing him or bending over for him, she hikes up her skirt and demands he orally pleasure her instead. It is a powerfully erotic scene, and really establishes her personality.

The encounters that follow lead Joyce deeper into the exploration of dominance and submission. Terri balances the thrill of being bound and controlled with the excitement of claiming one's sexual pleasure, and does so by exploring the mental and emotional aspects as well as the physical. Joyce discovers as much about herself through her reactions to pet names and commands as to touches and penetrations.

Perhaps my favorite part of the story is her introduction to the idea of submitting to another woman, with the final scenes of the story really changing everything about her. If you are as anxious as I to enjoy what comes next, Smitten Kitten is already available for pre-order.

'Terri' Peterson, was born August 19th, 1969, and spent what she referred to as 'a miserably failed experiment in tyranny' at a typical secondary school, where she was bullied relentlessly and made fun of. She left with no regrets, a handful of qualifications for a career in banking, and bitter memories of time spent being the object of ridicule by her peers. Being myopic, gauche, skinny and flat-chested, sporting a head of rich auburn hair, made her a daily target for abuse, which she escaped by becoming immersed in the fantasy world of writing short stories.

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