
Friday, December 8, 2017

Freebie Fetish Friday - Putting the TG in TGIF!

Well, if it's Friday, then it must be time to bend our way into the weekend with Freebie Fetish Friday.

Every Friday I search through the weekend's free titles on Amazon, looking for those that might be of interest to readers, fans, and lovers of bending gender and sexuality. Even if you don't have a Kindle, you can still download the titles through one of Amazon's free reading applications, and covert it (if need be) with Calibre. I can tell you I do most of my reading on my tablet, using Kindle for PC, and it works beautifully.

Please do be sure to check the price before downloading anything, though, as most freebies are limited time offers, and some are specific to certain regions.



1 comment:

  1. Hi Sally

    I have been meaning for a while to say how much I enjoy your blog. All the reviews and interviews and Friday Freebies!

    I play a little game every Friday. Before looking at your page, I go to Amazon and see how many freebies I can find for myself. Then I visit you and see how I did!

    There are always a few I have missed, but maybe ones that are less to my immediate taste...

    One other thing: there is a site that I first saw mentioned on Bex's blog. is publishing a FREE online magazine (4th issue just out!) that might be of interest to your readers. Self-styled "Queer themed - lewd & rude". Perhaps you can check them out to see if you think it worth giving them a mention. I have NO connection to them - just a happy reader!

    Thanks so much for all your hard work it IS much appreciated.
