
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Insecure Writer’s Support Group (April)

The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. On this day we post about our thoughts, our doubts, and the fears we have conquered. We discuss our struggles and triumphs, and offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling.

Every post opens with a question (a blogging prompt, if you will), and this month's is: Have you taken advantage of the annual A to Z Challenge in terms of marketing, networking, publicity for your book? What were the results?

As it so happens, I was actually thinking about taking part in the challenge this year, but circumstances (and my penchant for procrastination) conspired against me. I love the idea, and I have some thoughts on a theme, but it will have to wait for next year.

Otherwise, since this is my inaugural IWSG post, I guess I should update you on my writing progress. My transgender horror novel is still out there awaiting judgement from one last agent, but I have already decided to rework it, bring the paranormal romance element more the forefront, and do something rather daring with the main character. It means one last rewrite, but I am excited about where this takes it, and I have 2 publishers in mind that I think will do it justice.

In the meantime, I am working on the first of what I hope will be a series of pulp erotica adventures. I am about 2,500 words into it so far, and I feel good about it. I just want to let loose and have fun, so I am looking at self-publishing for these stories. My goal is to have the first done before the next IWSG rolls around, so please hold me to that! :)


  1. Congrats on your first IWSG post, Sally! I wish you the best with your writing ventures!

  2. Welcome to the IWSG. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate but are also working hard and making progress! Isn't it an amazing feeling when you see something about where a story can go to be just so much more than you thought it was?
    The Ninja Librarian’s Favorite Characters and IWSG

    1. It is both amazing and frustrating, to be honest. I love how that new idea opens up the story, but it makes me second-guess releasing it into the wild in the first place, and I have a hard enough time letting go. :)

  3. We'll hold you to it!
    Welcome to the IWSG.

    1. Thanks, hon - happy to be a part, and looking forward to making the rounds.
