
Thursday, January 5, 2017

Tales of a T-Gurl: Tina's 1st Gurl's Night Out! by Jeanne LaPâte

For a debut story, Tales of a T-Gurl: Tina's 1st Gurl's Night Out! is actually quite entertaining, with some lovely character development and some moments of tender, tasteful eroticism. Jeanne LaPâte does a wonderful job of establishing Tina, Tanya, Claire, and the rest of the girls - revealing their history, and detailing their friendship.

Clearly there is some serious back story here, that I imagine LaPâte will reveal more of in future instalments, but I loved that she begins the story with a proudly outed t-gurl, still a little nervous about socializing, but entirely comfortable with herself. The slightly awkward dinner conversation rings true, and the way the girls talk about their past is entirely natural, without feeling like the story is trying too hard to establish their shared history.

There is a lot of erotic potential to the story, a sensual undercurrent that brings the tale to life, but it is the bathroom surprise that kicks the story into high gear, with the bed-and-breakfast threesome a perfect ending to the tale.

Even after such a short introduction, it feels like we already know Tina and her friends, and I look forward to seeing where LaPâte takes the story next.

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