
Monday, September 7, 2015

Laci on Top by Donna Jay

A good erotic fantasy works on multiple levels - physical, intellectual, and emotional. It's not always an even mix, and some kinds of fantasies tend to emphasize one over the others, but you really need to engage at least two to have a lasting impact on the reader.

With Laci on Top, Donna Jay relates a lovely story of sexual awakening, exploration, and satisfaction that achieves that perfect balance. Here we have the physical satisfaction of some erotic bondage and kinky sex; the intellectual engagement of a couple discovering where the lines of submission lay between then; and the emotional fulfillment of a romance accentuated and enhanced by a new found freedom to play.

I love the way Donna Jay eases her characters into the scene, allowing them to explore, to talk to one another, and to sort of find their way. Laci and Cole both know what role they want to play in the relationship, but their initial explorations are a bit awkward and even a little embarrassing. It's new, it's fresh, and it's extraordinarily exciting, but (more importantly) it's something that adds a new level to their relationship. The development of Laci's character is beautiful to behold, as Donna Jay takes her from shy and embarrassed to confident and bold. Once she understand the dynamics of the power exchange, she really settles into her role, pushing Cole, testing his limits, and enjoying every step of the way.

I loved that this wasn't just a clinical bit of role-playing and punishment, but an erotic evolution of a long-term romance. Laci on Top is a wonderfully positive first chapter in the lives of Laci and Cole, and I really look forward to seeing where they go next . . . especially if she follows through on her own fantasies about introducing hubby to the joys of pegging.

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