
Friday, May 31, 2013

An ending . . . and a beginning

As much as it pains me to do it, it is time for me to bid a fond adieu to Bending the Bookshelf. I've struggled with the decision over the past few months but, without getting into too much detail, my life has changed significantly over the past two years, and I simply don't have the time to manage things anymore.

A huge thanks goes out to Samuel, Candace, and Cari for helping to keep things alive with their reviews. You made the decision to step away a difficult one, but I know in my heart that it's the right one. It's been a good year together, on top of some great years before that, but I just can't do things half-assed. Rather than let the blog continue towards a quiet, lingering sort of demise, I would rather announce an end and provide a little closure for the readers who've stuck by us over the years.

Of course, while I may not have time to manage Bending the Bookshelf anymore, I'm never going to stop reading, and I know there will be books I feel the need to review. Transgender-themed books will continue to have a home in my bimonthly Frock Books column, as well as on Goodreads. In addition, I am going to be joining an old friend as a contributing reviewer on his blog, returning to my roots in exploring LGBTQIA themes in science fiction, fantasy, and horror.

Thanks to everyone for being so friendly and supportive over the years.


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