
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Stolen Innocence by M.N. Thomas (REVIEW)

Stolen Innocence conjures up some of the darkest fantasies and most primal fears of the human psyche. This is a book destined to become a cult classic in several genres, addressing areas of child abduction, sexual slavery, child pornography, forced feminizing of a minor and the transgender experience. It is a book that quickly becomes mesmerizing and one in which the material and subject matter, while at times extremely disturbing, difficult and uncomfortable to read, is exceptionally well presented.

The story itself is quite unique and the character development so exceptionally realistic, it is difficult to put down and harder to forget. In a way, the novel impacts the reader more by what it omits of the graphic nature of the sexual material, perhaps out of deference to the central character, whom as you can guess is a child. The violence, on the other hand, although not gratuitous, is at times quite vivid.

Some of the characters are clearly sociopathic demonstrating wanton, exploitative and nihilistic behavior that is on a par with the experiments of infamous Nazi scientist, Dr. Josef Mengele. This book is also an ingenious detective story, emphasizing how different branches of the criminal justice and law enforcement systems can put the pieces of the puzzle together and work cooperatively for the greater good.

Through it all, Stolen Innocence emphasizes the strength and survival of the human spirit against all odds and fosters the idea that we, as human beings, are so much more than what we appear on the outside. It is a hopeful novel, offering an often romantic, deeply spiritual and moving story espousing the idea that all of us have a destiny and a purpose to our lives and everything happens for a reason. Lastly, it is a story about loss, but through loss there is discovery or rediscovery of life's purpose and there is redemption of the soul.

[Reviewed by Samuel]

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