
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Glamazon Press offers alternative to transsexual and other trans authors

♥ As a huge fan of both Christine and Richard, I'm absolutely delighted to be able to share with you the following news. 

 Los Angeles, CA July 14, 2012. Until now Glamazon Press could have been considered a vanity imprint for literary works by Christine Beatty, both her 2010 collection Misery Loves Company and her 2011 memoir, Not Your Average American Girl. However with the re-release of Dr. Richard Novic’s acclaimed crossdresser memoir, Alice in Genderland, the imprint Glamazon Press has taken a giant step into its original intent, to bring trans authors to print that would otherwise have to self-publish and likely be unheard except for a lucky few.

While POD (publishing on demand) and eBooks like Kindle have made it easy for any aspiring author to get into print with minimal investment, it also makes it that much harder to be discovered. While three hundred thousand new book titles and editions are printed every year, when POD is factored in that statistic becomes three million. Publisher Beatty notes, “It’s pretty safe to say that the vast majority of those three million titles are not marketable. The problem for authors is that POD publishers generally don’t edit or do any literary quality control, which means a truly good book may suffer the reputation of publishing on demand. Glamazon Press aims to establish a brand of quality so that bookbuyers know one of our books are not only well-written but also unique.”
Alice in Genderland was chosen as a flagship title for all those reasons. Not only has is it a memoir with well-deserved reputation for being well-written and a pleasurable read, it was also completely unique at the time it came out: no one had ever dared to publish the story of a "heterosexual crossdresser" who had gone out into the world and made a little life for himself as a woman to enjoy alongside the life he led as a man. It is also sexually explicit without being gratuitous, presenting sexuality in an open and mature way. It sets a high bar for future authors.
Glamazon Press is currently accepting book proposals per the submission procedure noted in the FAQ/Resources of the company website. This same section also answers other important questions about Glamazon, including what will likely be a major consideration for many authors: how much will the author be paid. Glamazon will guarantee authors 60% of the net profit of all books sold, with the remaining amount going back into promotion and expenses. Beatty explains, “Glamazon is envisioned as a non-profit organization that exists to help trans voices to be heard. We already have a few people working with us on a volunteer basis, and as we grow in size we expect to develop a formal 501(c)3 organization run as a collective to help give a greater voice to our community.”
The Glamazon Press website is

♥ Check out my review of Not Your Average American Girl and Alice in Genderland. ♥

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you shared this information with us. This will educate writers and readers about what is really happening inside publishing right now. I hope you could share us more informative posts like this. More power.
