
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hop Against Homophobia Giveaway

The International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia is a global initiative that launched in 2004, building upon the success of similar local and national initiatives around the world. The date of May 17th is a significant one, as it commemorates the World Health Organisation’s decision to remove homosexuality from its list of mental disorders.

The Hop Against Homophobia is an attempt by over 250 authors, reviewers, and publishers to stand together and create awareness of homophobia, with each participating blog featuring a message on homophobic discrimination in its various forms.

For those who wonder how homophobia can still be such a big issue in this day and age, let me present you with a pair of very unsettling facts:

  • Only 11 countries in the entire world recognize the right same-sex marriage (I'm proud to say Canada is 1 of those 11)
  • Conversely, 76 countries still prosecute people on the grounds of their sexual orientation

So, what is homophobia or transphobia? Basically, it is a negative, hostile, cruel or malicious response to gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender individuals. It's an entire irrational behaviour that causes (and is caused by) negativity, which leads to inequality and intolerance. It's a prejudice, pure and simple, and one that leads to often violent forms of harassment and discrimination.

As for what I'm doing about it today - I have brought a selection of books to the office with me that are all visibly gay, lesbian, or transgender in nature (based on the title and/or the cover). I am going to leave them lying on my desk throughout the day. I am going to carry them with the cover facing out as I wander the Thursday farmers market so people can see. I am going to sit outside city hall, have my lunch, and openly read one while the others sit beside me, face-up.

More importantly, I am NOT going to be embarrassed or defensive if somebody questions my reading choices!

As for my participation in The Hop Against Homophobia, I will be giving away a book of the winner's choice from my towering pile of review titles. Some of them are m/m, in keeping with the spirit of the hop, but some of them are also f/f, bisexual, or trans . . . all in keeping with the spirit of the day. 

To enter, please leave a comment below and let me know what you're doing to help end homophobia and transphobia today. Also, let me know if you've shared this post on your blog, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or anywhere else, and I'll double your chances. :)

The contest will end on Sunday at midnight (May 20th), so speak up today!


  1. This is a great idea! I try to challenge homophobia in my writing and also by gently or not-so-gently challenging people when they use homophobic speech.

  2. Live my life with acceptance in my heart & lead by example.


  3. Through my writing, through my blogging, and through my conversations with others I seek to ensure that everyone understands that equality is the only answer. No one should be denied the right to be who they are.

  4. Thank you for the great post, Sally. : )

  5. It's a small thing to openly read GLBT books but it's putting it out there. That's a good idea and I like that.

    andreagrendahl AT gmail DOT com

  6. Thank you for being part of this HOP and helping shine a light on this important issue.

    I am living out and proud :)

  7. Great post! A couple of years ago, I decided to stop being "polite". Sure, I'm not rude, but I can be polite and still speak up when someone around me says or does something that bothers me, like making a slur against another person's sexual orientation or sexual identity. (I don't have any patience for slurs against ethnicity, either!)

    I also try to spread understanding through my writing; it's a bit of preaching to the choir, since I write m/m, but who knows?

    Thanks for participating and speaking up!


  8. I try to counteract generalizations (such as "gay people can't be monogamous") I hear with concrete, positive examples. That's why this hop is so great--there are so many personal stories!


  9. Thank you so much for participating in the hop. I hope that this helps to spread the word and that one day a hop like this will no longer be needed. I have shown many of the post to my nieces and nephews. We recently have been discussing how damaging bullying is and how innocent remarks can make you be seen as being a bully. One of the things that makes me mad is when I're so gay... pisses me off. These post have helped them already. I heard my nephew stand up to someone that called someone else a hurtful name... I was so proud. Thank you all for helping by sharing hurtful and/sad memories and your personal views/message.
    I pray one day for equality for EVERYONE not just some.

  10. Sally, everything we do will help and not just today or this weekend but in our everyday lives.

    I just wanted to say “Thank You” to everyone for letting me be included in your Hop Against Homophobia. I am afraid I am not a talented m/m fiction writer like yourself but I am an avid reader of it.

    Actually when you are a straight girl who writes gay porn for an adult studio it is hard to fit in anywhere so I really appreciated how warmly I was welcomed into your group.

    But this is a cause I feel strongly about and I wanted to let you know I appreciate the opportunity to be included.

    Shadow Sterling

  11. Thanks for taking part in the hop :) I did quite a few things, other than organizing this hop. I blogged myself about GLBTQ matters in Iceland, joined the Icelandic GLBTQ organization and started writing a petition to my home town, to ask them to renew a deal with the GLBTQ organization - which is something they've been dragging their feet with.

    eripike at gmail dot com

  12. Thank you for participating in the hop. That is a great idea about the books. Most of my m/m books are ebooks on my Kindle so the covers aren't obvious but I could certainly tell people what I am reading if they ask.

    I am also hopping this week and am giving $1 to It Gets Better for each comment left on my blog post.

    lmbrownauthor at gmail dot com

  13. I did my own, but choose to deviate (of course!) a bit from the norm, I wrote a post about "The Inter & Transgender Question Within GLBTIIQ Communities" regarding the bias and discrimimation that can still be directed at groups "within" the group.
