
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Mailbox Monday, What I'm Reading, and What's Beside my Bed

In My Mailbox, It's Monday, What are you Reading, and What's Beside Your Bed are weekly memes hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren, Sheila at Book Journey, and Nanny at Getting Naughty Between the Stacks. Both are great ways to share the books you're either reading, or shifting to the top of your TBR pile (because, let's face it, sometimes a little shifting is the best we can manage!).


Nothing new again this week . . . taking some time to catch up on my reading before the TBR pile topples over and buries someone. :)

Once again, I'm hopping between books as the mood grabs me. Teasing me for time and seducing my attentions from beside my bed this week are:

The Athena Project by Brad Thor
11/22/63 by Stephen King
The Fairy Godmother by Mercedes Lackey

Well, that's it for now . . . what are you reading?


  1. i want to read that Stephan King so bad, let me know how it is. ;0

  2. I've heard some pretty good things about the Stephen King book! Hope you like!! :)

  3. I have to get my hands on the new Stephen King book. Enjoy them all :)

  4. Three great books - glad you are enjoying them!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd OUt

  5. The Fairy Godmother is new to me. Thank you for sharing it with us!

    Here's my It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

  6. Still want to read the Fairy Godmother one, but also still up to my eyeballs in books. Which is not a bad thing per say. :)Thanks for linking up.

  7. Stephen Kings new book is on my TBR list .

  8. I've read The Fairy Godmother. Happy reading.

    Finals week has kept me busy. Please come see what I'm reading.

  9. good luck on your TBR pile or stack. If my tbr books were stacked they would probably reach the ceiling! lol

    Have a great week.
