
Friday, December 2, 2011

Hops, Follows, and Tag Alongs, Oh My!

The 18 & Over Book Blogger Follow is a weekly feature that begins on Fridays and runs through the weekend, hosted by Crystal from Reading Between the Wines.

Q. What are 5 debut authors that you've found and loved this year?

A. To be honest, I couldn't tell you. Unless an author has contacted me, requesting a review of their debut work, I don't pay any attention to publishing pedigree. If a book sounds interesting, that's enough for me. I might go back, after the fact, to see if they've written anything else, but I don't look for the 'debut author' stamp.

It's also time for the Friday Follow, courtesy of Parajunkee's View!

Q. What is your biggest pet peeve when it comes to books? Maybe you don’t like love triangles or thin plots? Tell us about it!

A. My biggest pet peeve is the lack of a good, solid, well-developed plot. I've read so many books where the author clearly put a great deal of thought into the characters, and obviously had a lot of fun playing out the romantic tension, but never developed the plot beyond the 'cool concept' phase.

Finally, it's time for TGIF, is a weekly feature created and hosted by GReads! that re-caps the week’s posts and has different question each week.

Q. Writing Reviews 101: What's your process for writing book reviews? Any tips or suggestions you would recommend to other bloggers?

A. Be original, and make your reviews personal. Don't try to copy somebody else's style, and don't write as if you're going to be graded on it. Have fun, gush about what you loved, and bitch about what you didn't. Cold, clinical, scholarly reviews just don't appeal to me. I want to know what your emotional reaction was, how the story made you feel. Did it excite you? Did it make you sad? Did it nearly make you pee your pants laughing? Always write with your book-loving friends in mind, and you'll be ok.

As always, I urge you to hop around to some new blogs, tag along with some new friends, and find some great new reviews to follow. I always find something new to delight me!

1 comment:

  1. I always enjoy reading original and authentic reviews. It's great to see how a particular person/blogger reacts to a book (especially if it's one I've read or am planning to read in the future).
