
Friday, October 28, 2011

Hops, Follows, and Tag Alongs, Oh My!

The 18 & Over Book Blogger Follow is a weekly feature that begins on Fridays and runs through the weekend, hosted by Crystal from Reading Between the Wines and Kelly at Secrets of a Book Lover.

Q. If you could dress up one of your favorite book characters for Halloween, who would it be & what would you choose?

A. I'd love to put Special Agent Pendergast (from the novels by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child) in drag, either as a sexy little French Maid or as a begowned and bejweled Princess. It would just be so outrageous for his character, but he's such a master of  . . . well, everything . . . that I suspect he could rock it!

It's time for another Book Blogger Hop, courtesy of Crazy for Books!

Book Blogger Hop

Q. “What is your favorite Halloween costume? Even if you don’t celebrate, what kinds of costumes do you like?”

A. Not celebrate Halloween? In the words of Vizzini (from the Princess Bride), inconceivable! Well, the horror fan in me loves something scary, like a really good zombie or a demonic skeletal monster, but the fantasy fan in me loves something pretty, like a medieval princess with corsets and long skirts or a pixie-dust fairy with wings.

It's also time for the Friday Follow, courtesy of Parajunkee's View!

Q. If you could have dinner with your favorite book character, who would you eat with and what would you serve?

A. I'd love to have an old-fashioned campfire BBQ with Roland Deschain of Stephen King's Dark Tower saga. I can just see it now, sitting on the beach at the beginning of his saga, waiting for the Man in Black; sitting on a hilltop, overlooking the ruined cities; or sitting beneath the Tower itself at the end of his quest, wondering what lies inside.

As always, I urge you to hop around to some new blogs, tag along with some new friends, and find some great new reviews to follow. I always find something new to delight me!


  1. Hi I'm a new follower.
    I've not read those books. Sounds a spooky dinner partner.
    If you would like to see who I invited to dinner please visit

    Have a great FF :)

  2. Haha Love your answer for the 18+ follow. I'm digging the French Maid idea myself lol

  3. Haven't read any of these! Seems like I have some work to do! New Follower!!!

    You can find MY FF Here

    While you're there, why dont you check out My Giveaway as well.

  4. Lol. I think it's hilarious to see men dress in drag for Halloween. Great answer. Will have to check out all the books you've listed.

  5. My thoughts on not celebrating or dressing up for Halloween mirror yours. I couldn't believe how many don't like dressing up! And I second Jessica's thought about being a zombie fairy. Or maybe a zombie princess. Strange, yet weirdly fascinating. Definitely will draw the eye! *lol*

    - Asher (from Paranormal Indulgence)

  6. I'm with you on the medieval princess with corsets- it would totally rock!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
