
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

GUEST POST & GIVEAWAY: Marie Treanor (author of Blood Eternal)

Good morning, all! It's time for another first stop along the Bewitching Book Tours literary route, featuring the love and exciting Marie Treanor, who has stopped by in support of her newest release, Blood Eternal - which one lucky reader will have the chance to win (details below)!

Marie lives in Scotland with her eccentric husband and three much-too-smart children. Having grown bored with city life, she resides these days in a picturesque village by the sea where she is lucky enough to enjoy herself avoiding housework and writing sensual stories of paranormal romance and fantasy. Marie has published more than twenty ebooks with small presses, (Samhain Publishing, Ellora’s Cave, Changeling Press and The Wild Rose Press), including a former Kindle bestseller, Killing Joe. Blood on Silk: an Awakened by Blood novel, was her New York debut with NAL.

Before we get into Marie's interview, let's take a quick look at Blood Eternal:

Secrets don't disappear after seduction... Elizabeth Silk is struggling to reconcile her passion for the vampire overlord Saloman and her allegiance to the vampire hunters. When a shocking vampire revolt calls Saloman away from her, she refuses to follow him. To make matters worse, Saloman’s beloved cousin Luk has been found and awakened by one of his greatest enemies. Frenzied with bloodlust, Luk embarks on a killing spree and prepares to expose Saloman’s biggest vulnerability: Elizabeth. But under Saloman’s regime, vampires have become less concerned with secrecy, no longer willing to hide their power. Rumors are swirling about attacks on humans. After Saloman joins forces with the vampire hunters to consolidate his power, Elizabeth begins to understand her role in the inevitable collision of the two worlds. She could bring resolution between vampires and humans—if she can manage to stay alive long enough to play both sides….

Without further ado, please welcome the lovely Marie Treanor!


The Vampires are Out!
By Marie Treanor

If you’re anything like me, you love vampire stories. There’s no pleasure quite like escaping to a world full of dangerous beings and all the possibilities of eternal life and eternal love. We can immerse ourselves so totally and so enjoyably in such a story that we’re reluctant to leave it and face the mundane reality of our normal vampire-less lives. Why can’t it be real? Wouldn’t that be amazing?

Well, I don’t know! Would it? Would you really like to live in a world peopled by predatory vampires? Maybe if they just brooded and sparkled a little, and bit your neck occasionally as a prelude to mind-blowing sex, it would be good.  But would you really be able to cope with a sudden revelation of vampire existence? Would you really be comfortable with a feral, treacherous vampire lover who’s just as likely to kill you as not?

Daft questions, perhaps ☺. But these were the ones I had to ask myself as I wrote the Awakened by Blood trilogy (Blood on Silk, Blood Sin, and out today Blood Eternal!). After all, no one really believes in vampires – except for, in my world, the world of Awakened by Blood, a very few humans who hunt vampires, and a few others who remember being the witness or the victim of a vampire attack.

In the first story, my heroine Elizabeth’s first hurdle is to get over her disbelief, to accept the existence of creatures like Saloman, the vampire prince she accidentally awakened. Her second hurdle is to stay alive, because not only is Saloman ruthless and powerful, he’s determined to kill her for the added strength her “Awakener’s” blood will give him. Her third hurdle is to learn how to kill him first, which of course becomes complicated by her irresistible attraction to him.

I had to imagine how someone would adjust to such a flabbergasting change in their life and knowledge, and I have to say Elizabeth handles it a lot better than I would ☺. She’s a lot more than she thinks she is at the beginning of the story. And of course in real life certain people will always rise to cope or even lead, in a crisis. People react differently to given dangers, but if only a few people ever discover the existence of vampires, those who protect humanity from them, my vampire hunters, can cope with the limited number of responses they come across. The real challenge would be if everyone found out.

And in Blood Eternal, this is a real possibility. Saloman’s rule has begun to change the vampires forever. Slowly, but surely, they’re emerging from the shadows. The internet is rife with stories of vampire attacks; vampires are even talking to humans. It’s all part of Saloman’s plan, although the unexpected vampire revolt against him led by his newly awakened insane cousin does rather take matters out of his control! The vampire hunters are panicking, fearing an inevitable war of reaction against the undead which humans can’t possibly win. There are bound to be a zillion shades of panic, curiosity, opposition; people who try desperately to cover it all back up and those who through misunderstanding leave themselves vulnerable to attack. And the vampires themselves are bound to react differently…

Anyway, Blood Eternal has a few of my thoughts on what the beginning of such a revelation might be like, given that my vampires are dangerous, unpredictable, alien, totally different from humans in thought, understanding and morality. And of course even the newest vampire is stronger than most humans. But I’m curious to know – how would you react? What would you do if you discovered such vampires were real?


If Marie sounds like your kind of author, and Blood Eternal sounds like your kind of read, then you may just be in luck! Marie has offered one lucky reader the chance to win a print copy of Blood Eternal (open to US Shipping).

To enter, simply leave a comment below . . . it's that easy . . . and I'll pick a winner via on October 12th.

For bonus entries, let me know in your comment if you're a follower of mine here at Bibrary Book Lust or a follower of Marie Treanor's Romantic Theme Party; whether you've added Blood Eternal to your Goodreads shelves; or whether you've 'liked' one of my reviews over at Amazon.

Thanks so much to Marie for stopping by. If you'd like to follow her virtual journey in support of Blood Eternal check out her schedule at Bewitching Book Tours. You can also check her out at, on Facebook, or at her Newsletter.


  1. First of all Happy Release Day and Congratulations on Blood Eternal! This sounds like a great book. I am especially anticipating reading Blood Eternal after reading this post. I'm wondering how you could wrap up in one book a big event like that. That coming out of vampires as it were. If I discovered vampires truely existed, I think my first reaction would be fear if I am honest. To not know something so dangerous was living around me would worry me. Next I would be suspicious of people, especially people I happened to see at dusk or night hours. Lastly, I would be curious as everyone would be even if they wouldn't admit it. It would take a while to get over the revelation but I am sure it would happen....eventually. Thanks for being here to celebrate your book with us!
    +1 GFC Bibrary Book Lust: LadyVampire2u
    +1 GFC ROmantic Theme Party: LadyVampire2u
    +1 Goodreads add and fan: Lady Vampire

    LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

  2. Sally, thank you so much for the kind welcome, and for having me at Bibrary today! I have to say it's particularly fun to be here on my release day :).

    Hello, LadyVampire! Thanks for the congrats - much appreciated! I should say that BLOOD ETERNAL doesn't actually "wrap up" the coming out of vampires. It observes a beginning and from there... but you have to read the book :). But yes, I think scared witless would be a pretty sensible reaction :). Good points!


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love this series! And I love both Elizabeth and Saloman - they are great characters. Thanks for the giveaway!

    +1 GFC follower of Marie Treanor's Romantic Theme Party (Maria D>)

    +1 GFC Follower of Bribary Book Lust (Maria D.)

    +1 Goodreads Shelf (Maria)


  5. The book sounds really amazing! I'm always looking for a fresh concept in the vampire world. I would probably be freaked out if something like this really happened. LOL. It would be interesting though. Congrads on the release!
    GFC Nikki on both blogs
    Added to my to read books on goodreads...Sherri McCarver

  6. Aw thank you, Maria, I'm delighted to hear that! You;re very welcome, of course :).

    Hi Nikki! Thank you! To be honest, I'd be pretty freaked too - seems like the sensible reaction :). Thanks for the congrats - much appreciated!


  7. Great guest post and thanks so much for this generous giveaway opportunity too!!! =)
    I'm a follower of Bibrary Book Lust, I'm also a follower of Marie Treanor's Romantic Theme Party, and I've added Blood Eternal to my "To-Read" list on Goodreads. =)

    Valerie Long (Scorpio1974 on GFC)

  8. Thanks, Valerie, glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for adding BLOOD ETERNAL on Goodreads!


  9. I LOVE vampire stories. There's something abt them that draws me in every time. Recently I've read a lot of demon and angel themed books as well. Bottom line: I love all supernatural creatures excerpt maybe a fae.
    I'm a bit late...happy release day!
    Added the book to my GR shelf: _yay_ Book that Thing!

  10. Happy release day! How wonderful that you have now completed the trilogy! What would I do if I found out vampires were real? First, I would probably have a little panic attack. I mean, frickin' vampires! Then, I would research. I would try to protect and educate my family. Finally, I would find a reasonable way to live with it. Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. Thanks, Yay! I'm a bit like that too, although I have no objection to fae either :)

    Hi Jen - thank you! Sounds like a sensible reaction to me - get your panic out of the way, take precautions and live with it :).

    Thanks to everyone who dropped by on my release day! Great talking to you!


  12. Happy Release Day. I love a good vampire book and this one looks really good. Thanks for the giveaway.

    GFC Follower: Amy@Amy's Book World

    Added to GoodReads List:

    truebloodfan AT rock DOT com

  13. Congrats on your new release! This series sound fantastic! Thanks for the giveaway!

    +1 GFC ~ erin
    +1 Added to Goodreads
    +1 "liked" your amazon review about Hard Spells


  14. I've had my eye on this series for too long. It's time for me to start buying and reading.

    +1 GFC Bibrary Book Lust: booklover0226
    +1 GFC ROmantic Theme Party: booklover0226
    +1 Goodreads add and fan: Tracey D
    +1 Liked your review of Hard Spell: An Occult Crimes Unit Investigation

    Tracey D
    booklover0226 at gmail dot com

  15. Congrats to you on your book release I look forward to reading it! I love vampire books always my favorite. Thank you for the great giveaway!

    +1 Goodreads//latisha D
    +1 GFC Bibrary Book Lust/latishajean
    +1 GFC ROmantic Theme Party/latishajean
