
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

GUEST POST & GIVEAWAY: Eri Nelson (author of The Call from Within)

Good morning, all! It's time for another first stop along the Bewitching Book Tours literary route, featuring the lovely and exciting Eri Nelson, who has stopped by in support of the first book of her Dearhart Clan series, The Call From Within - with 5 signed copies of The Call from Within are being given away tour wide (but more on that later)!

About Eri: Hi, my name is Eri Nelson or as I rather like to call myself an Ohioan Hermit (lol). Life is pretty simple for me. I like being home where my family is. This family also includes are far too many pets. Although I try to put limits on our personal zoo we are hard to pass off a stray. I have always enjoyed writing but never feeling that the patience was within me to write a book. So on a whim I wrote my first book of forty thousand words in the fall of 2010. Quickly following that up with a sequel in hopes to make a series of it. However these were not the series I chose to put out for readers….. That is, not just yet.

Loving challenges as I do, the call out for a paranormal romance caught my eye. So in my haste I threw out a fifteen thousand word book in hope that it could find its way into becoming an eBook. But alas this was turned down. However, like myself I did not write a series that was solely a romance. More what I think of as primal fantasies. Course I did not let the denial of what was not classed as their type of romance stop me. With the story still raging in my head my fingers typed off  another round, making my one into two books. This one verging on a little over twenty-four thousand words. Well as it usually does in my case, the story line would not leave my head so now I am working on book three in the Dearhart Clan Series.

Now I must say that it was not just my love of writing that pushed me into looking for alternate publishing paths. No that honor goes to my husband, Jeff Nelson. He truly has been my most honest critic. It was not easy at first for me to concede to his thoughts. In fact it was every curse word I could think of stating how wrong his views were (lol). Nevertheless we came to a few resolutions and became a team in the editing process (so any errors in my books we blame him, ok….lol…just joking …wink wink). You will never hear me claim to be this glorious fantastic writer. For I am just pleased when another simply enjoys the read. It truly amazes me when someone likes my writing style. I hope with all my heart, you dear reader will be one of those who do.

Before we get into Eri's guest post, let's take a quick look at The Call From Within:

Dearhart Clan is a series of fast paced books that dabble in the world of paranormal and remain in the erotic pulse of what can only be classified as a primal fantasy.  If it’s a typical romance you’re looking for you won’t find it in this series. Eri Nelson writes in a darker world where heat and need are the forefront for a slipping existence.  There is not time for all the tenderness love deserves but if you’re imprinted to another you are far beyond those mortal requirements. Our author is driven by swift action packed intrigues that often leave you wanting more.  As she writes each new book into the series the number of pages might increase but the action never lets you feel the increasing distance to the final page.

The Call From Within is Eri Nelson’s first look into this series.  It is here that we meet Owen our Pack’s clan leader.  He has been driven by what is expected of an alpha.  Facts that were told through the decades all but look like fiction to him now.  So he never dared to believe in fate and only let duty push him forth.  Although now his resolves make no sense and it took little to no time at all in showing him through the lust he feels for another. Kristen Still bares the imprinted mark to our handsome alpha.  However he wasn’t the first to notice what she was and it’s that bedding of prior passions that control her new weakness.  Yes, Owen is pushed by jealousy to possess what his four footed insight tells him is his.

A former distraction wanted more than heated moments with Kristen.  In her he saw a stronger life force for his young and if Brinston Drake must he would take what he needs from her.  He just did not foresee another finding her as well. While the rest of Eri Nelson’s cast of characters find their selves caught up in furthering personal existences. Another by the name of Wash seeks to use their distractions as his gain.  A rogue sent to track and update, Wash is tested by his hatred and desire for revenge.  He’ll have it but not as quickly as he would like.  But soon enough Owen will slip farther into his madness over a bitch in heat.  Then Wash perhaps can use the heated vixen to distract both her and the alpha into their future demise.

Without further ado, please welcome the lovely Eri Nelson!


What is an Indie Author and am I an Indie Author?


An Indie author in my opinion is an author beyond calling oneself “self-published”.  Being an Indie author means you must be writer, editor, printer, sales, marketing, publicity, and promoter of your own personal work. Often these aspects come with great difficulties and frequently leave many a writer dismayed.

Can any author even an Indie author face intricate obstacles that can leave them dismayed? Difficulties of an Indie author can happen for any author and go beyond the sale of a book. For to most of us the sale is just a very small portion of being an author. As I refer to in the above an Indie Author doesn’t just cover writing its having to be able to pull oneself in many different directions and become various parts of the publishing circle.

I am fairly new to the writer world compared to some. Although, the wisdom of others and my own personal outlook have come to a point where they have resolved a few things in my mind.  Such as? Well the biggest misconception is the point of success one will receive when they become a writer.

If we look on at success in its most simplified aspects then we as authors can find triumph and resolve to continue on in our endeavors.  Break that down into anyone’s common speech and we get: Success is in the work we love so much and even more when we reach a reader’s hands.

Looking for riches and fame is not always the outcome to most authors. To be published is in itself the reward. Albeit at times a very expensive prize and one that ultimately comes out of most Indie Authors own personal pocket.

Did writing Volume one of the Dearhart Clan Series “The Call From Within” come with a hefty price tag? To answer that would be an understatement for me. Why? No matter the monetary value my love for my writing has always been there. So for me, as long as the amount was not going to cause a personal hurt on our family’s income then it was never a doubt in mind that I would spend any amount to make it happen.

What is the bottom profit line for being an Author even an Indie Author? There is always hope that your story will weave its way to readers and the reward will reap more than just fulfilling your dream. As for me….  The payment has come in the form of readers. Each and everyone have given me the praise of being chosen as the world of choice for perhaps a few hours. No, I have not made back any of the money that completed my book’s course to becoming a reality. Nor did I think I would. This first experience has been a learning adventure and one that helps me embrace and yearn for more.

Interested in knowing more about an Indie Authors resolve? Then I hope you will continue to follow all the amazing blogs that have allowed me to post my single adventure into the world of writing.

Thank you so much Bibrary Book Lust blogspot for allowing me this time with your readers. This has been a great honor to share just a bit of myself here and the journey I am taking through being an Indie Author.

Best Wishes
Eri Nelson

Thanks so much to Eri Nelson for stopping by. If you'd like to follow her virtual journey in support of The Call From Within check out her schedule at Bewitching Book Tours. You can also check out her @ and on Facebook.

As I mentioned above, there are 5 signed copies of The Call From Within available to be won, so please check out The Call from Within Tour Giveaway:


  1. THE CALL FROM WITHIN looks amazing. I'd absolutely love to read it.


  2. Thank you so much Marybelle for your comment and read of the guestblog. :)

  3. Thanks for the guest post & an inside peek=)
    I'd love to read The Call from Within!
    Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
