
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Top Ten Sequels We're Dying To Read

Top Ten Tuesday is an weekly meme hosted by Lori, over at The Broke and the Bookish (love that title - it sooo explains my credit card statement!). Each week participants list their Top Ten choices for a weekly theme. This week's theme is the Top Ten Sequels We're Dying To Read. My list is a mixture of long-awaited titles, long rumoured titles (that may never arrive), and few titles on the horizon:

  1. Melanie Rawn - The Captal's Tower (the sequel to The Ruins of Ambrai & The Mageborn Traitor that we may never see)
  2. Clive Barker - The Art III (the long-teased sequel to The Great and Secret Show & Everville that we may never see)
  3. Stephen King - The Wind Through The Keyhole (A new Dark Tower novel - April 2012)
  4. Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson - A Memory of Light (the final Wheel of Time novel - mid 2012)
  5. Brandon Sanderson - Stormlight Archive II (sequel to The Way of Kings - future)
  6. Patrick Rothfuss - The Kingkiller Chronicle III (sequel to The Name of the Wind & The Wise Man's Fear - future)
  7. Robin Hobb - City of Dragons (sequel to Dragon Keeper & Dragon Haven - Febrary 2012)
  8. Steven Erikson - The Forge of Darkness (first book of the Kharkanas Trilogy - okay, not a sequel in itself, but the first new work to follow the Malazan Book of the Fallen - 2012)
  9. J.V. Jones - Endlords (the fifth Sword of Shadows book - 2012)
  10. Stephen Donaldson - The Last Dark (final book in The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant - early 2013)


  1. I am right there with you with The Capital's Tower. I read The Ruins of Ambrai and absolutely loved it. Went online to find the sequel and found that Melanie Rawn might never write the final book! I gave up right then :(

  2. I didn't realize the Dark Tower books were still going! I have the first three that (sadly) I still haven't gotten around to yet.. Wasn't in the right mood for it and couldn't get into the first one...

    Here's my Top 10 Tuesday!
