
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Top Ten Tuesdays - Authors I'd DIE To Meet

Top Ten Tuesday is an weekly meme hosted by Lori, over at The Broke and the Bookish (love that title - it sooo explains my credit card statement!). Each week participants list their Top Ten choices for a weekly theme. This week's theme is: Top Ten Authors I'd DIE To Meet!

So, without further ado (and in no particular order), here is my Top Ten:

  1. Clive Barker - my love for this man and the bottomless depths of his imagination knows no bounds. Author, artist, painter, playwright, director, photographer . . . he does it all, and does it so very well.
  2. Charles Darwin - such a fascinating man, with such a conflicted life, I'd love to sit down and discuss his travels, his theories, and his amazing legacy.
  3. Michael Crichtonhe made dinosaurs come alive, fulfilling one of my oldest childhood dreams. To sit down and chat with both him and Charles at the same time would be amazing.
  4. Margaret Weis - she kindled a love for fantasy in me that will never die.
  5. Jenny Walker - it was through her work that I first found validation, being the first author I ever encountered to honestly, openly, and respectfully deal with gender themes in mainstream fiction.
  6. Terry Pratchett - really, can you imagine a more interesting, intelligent, amusing conversation?
  7. Brian Lumley - for me, he is the man who redeemed vampires, rescuing them from the depths of pathetic, romantic, angst-ridden, toothless boredom.
  8. Richard Laymon - how anybody can manage to be so sadistic and cruel, and yet so much fun, at the same time is beyond me, but his novels are the paperback equivalent of a carnival haunted house.
  9. Mercedes Lackey - her books are such wondrous, beautiful, fantastic works of art, I have to imagine a conversation with her would be something akin to a waking dream.
  10. Marquis de Sade - an odd pick, to be sure, but as shocking and taboo as he is today, I've love to hear first-hand how he and his work were received 200 years ago.
These aren't necessarily my top 10 favourite authors, but those with whom I'd love to have a conversation. There are dozens more authors who I have been fortunate enough to have conversations with, even if it was just via email, and those I'd still like to meet in person . . . well, let's just say conversation would not be the priority!


  1. I have only read one book by Clive Barker, but I can imagine how great the rest must be!! I really need to read him. Terry Pratchett was a must on my list, and Michael Crichton almost made it, but I haven't really read many books by him!
    Nice list!!

  2. Getting to meet your choices would certainly make for one interesting dinner party. ;-)

  3. I'd be fascinated and probably hard up to hear the Marquis de Sade, very alert at every moment, that's for sure.

  4. Very diverse list. Quite interesting. I haven't read all the authors on your list though.
