
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Top Ten Tuesdays - Fictional Settings

Top Ten Tuesday is an weekly meme hosted by Lori, over at The Broke and the Bookish (love that title - it sooo explains my credit card statement!). Each week participants list their Top Ten choices for a weekly theme. This week's theme is: Top Ten Book Settings!

So, without further ado (and in no particular order), here is my Top Ten:

  1. Middle Earth (Lord of the Rings) - okay, it's an obvious one and pretty much an archetype, but I love the lush forests, cute little hobbit holes, and I'd even be up for a weekend expedition to Mount Doom.
  2. Wonderland (Alice in Wonderland) - so long as you can keep your head (ha!), this is a wild, wacky, and wonderful place to visit. Plus, if you're lucky, you might run into Johnny Depp!
  3. The Fugue (Weaveworld) - creepy, surreal, magical and fantastic, the world hidden inside the weave of the magic carpet is home to both horrors and delights.
  4. The Five Dominions (Imajica) - the five dominions of the Imajica, Clive Barker's masterpiece, are everything The Fugue hinted at, fully realised and explored beyond the limits of either dream or nightmare.
  5. Krynn (Dragonlance) - the Dragonlance Chronicles were my introduction to fantasy, so the world of Krynn is the fantasy setting against which I judge everything else . . . and it's a pretty neat world, at that.
  6. Mid-World (Dark Tower) - the primary setting for Stephen King's epic masterpiece, Mid-World offers us the chance to ride an insane monorail, slip through a very twisted version of Oz, travel the world of Eyes of the Dragon, tiptoe past the vampires of Salem's Lot, and wander the post-apocalyptic streets of Lud.
  7. Castle Rock (The Dead Zone, Cujo, The Dark Half, Needful Things) - even though I know it doesn't actually exist, Stephen King's most infamous town seems so real, I'm firmly convinced that I'll some day find it down some unmarked road in Maine.
  8. Terre D'Ange (Kushiel's Dart) - a beautiful land, full of beautiful people, living under a beautiful religious system based upon the simple precept of "Love as thou wilt".
  9. Jurassic Park (Jurassic Park) - I shouldn't even need to explain this one . . . we've got a tropical island theme park, left in ruins, and it's filled with dinosaurs!
  10. SMC Academy/Bigger Picture (Silken Servitude & Silken Embrace) - just because I like to be different, and becasue I'm sure people will be wondering WTF?, I have to include Christina Shelly's rival academies of erotic transformation.
I'm sure I'm missing at least 10 more settings that will pop into my mind after a second caffeine injection, but I actually think this is a pretty good early morning homage to the most-visited landscapes of my imagination.


  1. Awesome post. I should have done this one instead of the "Teaser Tuesday," or maybe I should have done both because this is awesome. Ha! Here's my "Teaser Tuesday" if you want to check it out :)

  2. Amazing list. I keep meaning to read Jurassic Park, I just never get around to it. I've seen the movie (which I know doesn't count). :)

    Love the Clive Barker references. Such a great and, I think, an under-appreciated author.

  3. wow great list thanks for sharing
