
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Monday In My Mailbox - What Are You Reading - What's Beside Your Bed?

In My Mailbox, It's Monday, What are you Reading, and What's Beside Your Bed? are weekly memes hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren, Sheila at Book Journey, and Nanny at Getting Naughty Between the Stacks, respectively. All three are great ways to share the books you're either reading, or shifting to the top of your TBR pile (because, let's face it, sometimes a little shifting is the best we can manage!).

New in my mailbox this week are:

Moonglow by Charlie Romo (for review - a sci-fi lesbian romance set in a future fashion world)
Fornax Rising by Nicole Ross (for review - a Steampunk coming-of-age story)
Fezariu's Epiphany by David Brown (for review - my first read for Bewitching Book Tours)
Goddess of the Sea by P.C. Cast and Mermaid's Kiss by Joey W. Hill (I was reading this ABC news piece about a lovely little transgendered girl, and it reminded me of my own long-neglected love of mermaids . . . and unicorns . . . so I hit the bookstore)
It's Superman by Tom De Haven (I spotted this while looking for the mermaid titles above)

MOONGLOW   Fornax Rising   Fezariu's Epiphany   Goddess of the Sea (Goddess Summoning, Book 1)   A Mermaid's Kiss (Berkley Sensation)   It's Superman!: A Novel

As always, I'm generally hopping between books as the mood grabs me. Teasing me for time and seducing my attentions this week are:

Far Future Fembot: Bill's Story by D.B. Story (this one is blowing me away . . . so wonderful)
Lola Dances by Victor J. Banis (fun, sexy, and so very well-written)
Blood Rights by Kristen Painter (just amazing - I'm loving the characters and the world)
Triptych by JM Frey (well-written and deep, but entertaining as well)

Far Future Fembot: Bill's 
Story Lola Dances Blood Rights (House 
of Comarré) Triptych

Well, that's it for now . . . what are you reading?


  1. I haven't seen It's Superman--but now I'm super-curious!!!--I read The Life and Death of Superman a couple of years ago, and have to say IT. WAS. AMAZING. --totally drew my into that awesome superhero world and made me want to read more!!!

    Hope you have a great week!!!


  2. I normally don't like it when people play with the established origin stories, but It's Superman sounds really interesting. It's a Depression era retelling of his origins that follows him through his early years as a WWII reporter.

  3. I just finished one of the fembot series books and it was pretty good. The review is coming up in a bit. Although I'm kind of curious about that Goddess of the Sea one.
    Thanks for linking up.

  4. oh my!! mermaid kiss

    here's mine

    p/s. I'm a new follower
