
Thursday, June 23, 2011

GUEST POST: Bella Marie (with Time Well Spent giveaway)

Jennifer's New Erotic Adventures (The Complete Series Book 1-4)Good morning, all! It's time for another lovely stop along the The Virtual Book Tour Cafe's literary route, this time featuring Bella Marie, author of Jennifer's New Erotic Adventures, who has stopped by to promote her latest collection of erotic reads - the Time Well Spent collection.

Bella was born in May of 1966 and lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest where she is a single mother of two grown children, and one pre-teen. Her favorite places include the beach, and any body of water which inspires her to write explicit adult erotic stories. She started writing stories for friends about 15 years ago, and they liked them so much, they encouraged her to publish them.  She didn’t follow their advice until she became friends with an Indie Author, Martin Sharlow who encouraged her to publish them, and mentored her on how to do it - all while she watched him become a successful author.  She is working on her second published series at the moment.

Before we get into Bella Marie's guest post, let's take a quick look at her Time Well Spent collection:

Time Well Spent - The Complete CollectionHow about some exciting explicit adult erotica for the nights by the fire, or maybe in the bathtub with a glass of wine? Alone or with a friend, spouse, or lover, this almost 31,000 word, 15 total short stories are sure to warm you up even if you don’t have a fireplace! With no names in the stories it is easy to imagine yourself in the adventures, enjoying right along in the fun. Here is an idea of what you will find in this adults only book….

The New Beach House: A contractor builds his dream home on the beach.  He is very excited to share it with the woman that he has fallen in love with.  He surprises her by taking her out to see the finished home and propose to her as well.  They end up enjoying a wonderful day of lovemaking both inside the new home, and outside in the waves on the secluded beach. 

Friends: Two friends get together for a hot night of passion.  They meet up at a bar and go to her house where they enjoy some intense self-pleasure as well as backdoor fun.  They shower together at the end of the story as they continue into the next story.

Dinner Out: The two friends decide to go out to dinner at a Mexican Restaurant.   They sit in a dark corner pushing the limits of exploring sex in public to see how far they can go without being caught. 

A Night to Remember: A married couple enjoys experimenting with mild bondage and she has decided that she wants to really enjoy herself when her husband gets home.  She gets all ready, complete with a new outfit, ropes on the kitchen table, and a tray set up with hidden toys.  It’s her turn tonight and she bought a wonderful new large toy just so she can find out how far she can push him.

Surprise Meeting: A woman is surprised while shopping by an old friend that comes up behind her.  They end up going to her place for a night of intense sex with a little spanking to go along with it. 

Other stories include stories about friends, as well as total strangers enjoying a variety of pleasures that are sure to inspire most interests.  There is also a lesbian story where they are joined by a man to make it threesome enjoying amazing pleasure at a waterfall; a story on a cruise ship, and 10 more explicit adult erotic stories.   

Without further ado, please welcome the lovely Bella Marie . . . but stayed tuned for some exciting giveaway news!


Fans and their thoughts about what and who you are….
I am a relatively new writer that is just starting to sell a few books here and there.  I had no real expectations when I went into self-publishing beyond it being cool to make a few dollars for the fun of it off of my erotic tales.  My family wasn’t really thrilled with the subject matter in the sense that it was strange to read my writings because I am me, not some other person that they read and enjoy.  I of course could not be a truly sexual person, other people are, not their sister, mother, friend, aunt, or daughter!   Sure I could joke about it as my family is rather open on the subject of sex but heaven forbid I actually put words to my imagination and put the stories out for everyone to read!

For my family, it seems to be a cool thing to tell people the dirty little secret of the family.  “Have I told you what my sister does in her spare time?  I haven’t, oh she writes dirty stories!”  or “You think your friend is a pervert, you should meet my friend who writes erotica for fun!” etc. 

Well I was at a family function when one of my sisters tells not only me but a room full of people who doesn’t know that I write erotica, let alone have 12 books published, that her co-worker just loves my books and wants to know if I am a lesbian.  I laughed, not because that is totally absurd because I have anything against lesbians, which quite the opposite is true but it came so far out of left field.  She went onto say that she was asked to ask me when the next book will be out, that she has read them all and can’t wait until the next one. 

Immediately I am wondering just what my sister has been telling people.  Granted I have a few lesbian stories and the last book I wrote in my latest series has several scenes with two women and two men but, what?  How could this person, unknown to me think I am a lesbian? 
I have all sorts of stories in my books lots of them have to do with anal sex and sex in public just to name a few topics in them.  It makes me wonder what people that have read all my books think about them even.  When I asked my sister why her friend thinks that I am a lesbian, she said because she says I am either a lesbian or very in touch with my sexual side to be able to write like I do. 

I laughed a great deal but was also flattered.  I don’t get a lot of comments on my work but to hear from someone that obviously enjoys my stories, who is a lesbian herself, and is excited for my next one to come out, it makes me feel really fantastic.  I know that my stories are not for everyone, but to know that I started this whole thing as something fun to do and ended up making at the very least one person very happy with my work, well it makes it all worth it. 

Now the real choice to be made is on the several books floating around in my head fighting to be written.  Will it be a lesbian story? Maybe try my hand at writing vampire erotica?  Expanding my experience in bondage? Hot sex in a new public place I haven’t tried writing about yet?  I wonder which one will get to be first?

GIVEAWAY: To help celebrate the release of her Time Well Spent collection, Bella Marie kindly offered to provide a free electronic copy (via Smashwords) to one lucky reader!  Simply leave your name and email address in the comments section below to be entered to win! We'll be drawing the winner Tuesday, June 28th.

Thanks so much to Bella Marie for stopping by. If you'd like to follow her virtual journey in support of Time Well Spent check out her schedule on the Calendar of Events page at The Virtual Book Tour Cafe. You can also check her out on Facebook or Twitter (Author66Bella); on her Website or her Blog; and on her Amazon Author Page or Amazon Meet the Author Page.


  1. Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog. Don't forget to leave your name so you can win a free copy of my book! Have a fantastic day!
    Bella Marie

  2. Looking forward to reading this collection of stories. Glad your friends encouraged you to publish your work.


  3. This definately seems like a book I'd enjoy reading.
    However, my eyes get too tired for electronic books so I can't enter but wanted to stop by and wish you good luck in the giveaway.
