
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hops, Follows, and Tag Alongs, Oh My!

The 18 & Over Book Blogger Tag Along is courtesy of Bitten by Paranormal Romance!


"Please tell us a little about yourself and what you read?"

My tastes are, to put it mildly, eccentric. Epic fantasy (dragons, elves, magic, etc.) is my oldest and dearest literary love, followed by horror (the darker the better), science-fiction (apocalyptic tales and stories of first contact especially), fetish erotica (I love a little submission between the covers), romantic fiction (I'm a sap when it comes to a good romance, but I need a good story too), and some geeky science fodder (anything dealing with dinosaurs or archaeology).

It's time for another Book Blogger Hop, courtesy of Crazy for Books!

Book Blogger Hop

It's also time for the Friday Follow, courtesy of Parajunkee's View!

"What book-to-movie adaption have you most liked?  Which have you disliked?"

The one movie that immediately comes to mind when speaking of dislike is The Lawnmower Man. How anybody could have taken such a creepy, surreal Stephen King story (from his Skeleton Crew collection) about a murdering satyr and demonic lawnmower, and turn into a virtual reality movie . . . well it boggles the mind. To stick with the Stephen King motif, I thought that Pet Semetary did an almost perfect job of capturing the book.

"How many books do you read in a week? And in what format do you read them, or listen to them?"

Generally 2 books a week (3 if they're short), and mostly in e-book format.

As always, I urge you to hop around to some new blogs, tag along with some new friends, and find some great new reviews to follow. I always find something new to delight me!


  1. Hopping through. I usually read 3-4, depending on the length of the book.
    My Hop

  2. Hi and Happy Friday!

    I am ebook fan & try to read between 3-5 books a week, depending on time & book size :)

    My FF is here,

    Have a nice weekend.

  3. Great post! We seem to read a lot of the same genre's. I'm a new follower, so hello :) Here's my FF: if you wanna check it out!

  4. I'm stopping by from the 18 & over tag along. It's alway nice to get to know the person behind the blog don't you agree? Have a great weekend!

    Bookgirl @ My Book Addiction

  5. Same here: on average 2 per week and mostly e-books. So convenient! Thanks for sharing!

  6. I'm becoming more and more attached to my Kindle. I didn't like e-book format for awhile but now I don't know what I did without them! It's like having an entire library in the palm of your hand. And I definitely haven't seen The Lawnmower Man! Happy Friday! ;) New follower.

    My FF

  7. Hey following back, Happy FF. and AWESOME blog name by the way :)

  8. Coming by with the 18 & over tag along. Love the submission between the sheets...or anywhere else, for that matter.

    Have a great one!

  9. Hey

    Hopping by from FF. I am loving the name of your blog. Think i'll ad bookslut to my CV.

    Amy (new follower)

  10. I can't really remember The Lawnmower Man, that's how much of an impression it made on me. There have been some great Stephen King adaptations though.

  11. Wow, you're got quite the eclectic mix of genre interests! It's been ages since I've read any nonfiction but I usually steer towards archaeology themed books too.

    Thanks for stopping by Bitten Books :)

  12. First off I love your page!! I myself love the real thing; I have to have a book in my hand! Feel free to stop by page and follow so you don't miss out on the blog hop and giveaways that are coming up!!

  13. Thanks for stopping by! I'm your new follower :) i love that you mentioned Stephen King movie adaptations, they tend to be either really bad or really great. I really liked Pet Semetery, too. I thought that Shining was excellent, too! And I can't wait to see how the Dark Tower will turn out :)

  14. Sally, you're comment at the Wyld Hollow about the audio books tickled me. XD

    Thanks for hopping by and have a wonderful weekend!


  15. hi,

    thank you so much for stopping by my blog.

    Have a great weekend!

  16. Hm, it's been a long time since I read or watched Pet Semetary. I remember liking the book, but I can't remember anything about the movie. Ack! I must be getting old.

    Glad to have found you via the Hop!

  17. Doing some last minute hopping, I've never read anything by Stephen King. But his movies always creep me out. I loved the movie question this week.

    Check out my Hop-->

  18. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Happy Memorial Day!

    Lisa @ Once Upon A Chapter
