
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Teaser Tuesday - Finger's Breadth

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Simply grab your current read, open to a random page, and share a couple of “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page . . . just be careful not to include any spoilers!

My teaser this week comes from  page 14 of Finger's Breadth, a erotic tale of queery horror coming soon from M. Christian:

Normally, his kisses were gentle, caring connections, sex a ballet instead of a romping rut. That night, it had been different - frightening, powerful, lightning and growling thunder instead of sunsets and puppies. Varney became a man. Nothing but. Not a lover, not a boyfriend, not a partner. Just a pure, raw, lightning-and-growling thunder man.

So, tell me . . . are you feeling teased? :)


  1. Great Teaser!! Thanx for sharing. I must look this one up ;)

  2. Oh wow! That is a great teaser and I love your intro. I'm putting this on my watch list. :D

    Thanks for visiting mine from Broken

  3. I am certainly teased by that teaser!
    *goes and looks at the book further*


  4. Thanks so much, sweetie -- this means the world to me!
