
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spring Celebration Recommendations: Amnesia Sparkles (GenderFun)

Welcome to the second of our Spring Celebration reading recommendations. Stopping by this morning to share her most recent read is the ever-fantastic and always-fun Amnesia Sparkles, from (one of my all-time favourite morning reads) In addition to maintaining her blog, Amnesia also has a super fun YouTube channel that is definitely worth checking out!

Please check out Amnesia's thoughts on Alice in Genderland: A Crossdresser Comes of Age by Richard J. Novic (a book that we'll definitely be talking more about later this month):

Alice in Genderland: A Crossdresser Comes of Age"The "voice" of the character drives me a bit crazy because he/she is constantly misunderstanding people and is constantly being disappointed due to his/her expectations.  That being said the author paints a pretty clear tangible picture of a cross dresser's experience.  It is a bit heavy with sexual encounters but all and all I would definitely recommend it.  Makes for a fun read.  There is a lot in the book I can relate to, AND it's helped me gain a greater understanding of some of my Gender Fun readers and viewers who are faced with similar experiences and personalities."

A huge thanks to Amnesia for taking a few moments to share her thoughts, and for producing such a consistently fun and entertaining blog! If you've never checked out then you really don't know what you're missing.

Also, if she's teased your interest, please come back and check out out interview with Alice (Richard J.) Novic later this month!


With Amnesia Sparkles here to help keep our Spring Celebration going strong, it's also time for you - the readers - to do your part by stopping by, saying hello, and hopefully even sharing a few thoughts on her blog, her YouTube videos, and her recommendation.

Don't forget, this is your next opportunity to become eligible for this week's giveaways, so be sure to include your email address in your comment. Of course, you don't have to be a follower to win, but being a follower will earn you a bonus entry for the week (just let me know in your comment if you're a new follower or an old favourite).

1 comment:

  1. Alice in Genderland sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out.

    Fairly new blog follower
