
Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday In My Mailbox - What Are You Reading?

Don't forget to check out Week 2 of our Spring Celebration with interviews, reviews, reading recommendations, and four fantastic giveaways!

In My Mailbox and It's Monday, What are you Reading? are weekly memes hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren and Sheila at Book Journey, respectively. Both are great ways to share the books you're either reading, or shifting to the top of your TBR pile (because, let's face it, sometimes a little shifting is the best we can manage!).

Most recent arrivals in my Mailbox (all courtesy of the authors/publishers in question) are:

♥ Letters to My Brothers edited by Megan Rohrer and Zander Keig
♥ The Unfinished Song: Initiate by Tara Maya
The Five by Robert McCammon (my first print ARC . . . very excited!)
Dirty Panties by Lannie Rose
A Hundred Little Lies by Jon Wilson

Letters For My Brothers  The Unfinished Song: Initiate  The FiveA Hundred Little Lies

As always, I'm generally hopping between books as the mood grabs me. Teasing me for time and seducing my attentions this week are:

Sarah, Son of God by Justine Saracen (a fantastic read . . . watch for my review soon!)
Tag by Simon Royle (a story of future terrorism, conspiracy, and a crisis of indentity)
The Crippled God by Steven Erikson (yup, still reading it . . . my book of choice for when I have some serious time to sit and ignore everything else for a few hours at a time)
Crimson Dawn by Ronnie Massey (a great read . . . watch for my review, and a giveaway, next week)
Tricks by Rick R. Reed (just getting started on this slice of gay horror)

Sarah, Son of God  Tag (The Zumar Chronicles)  The Crippled God: Book Ten of The Malazan Book of the FallenTricks

Well, that's it for now . . . what are you reading?


  1. Very nice! Here is my week:

  2. OOH Letters For My Brothers sounds good! I hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. Just started The Gift by Theresa Stillwagon.
    Going to read Human No. 4 by Mike A. Lancaster

  4. Wow, the cover to Crimson Dawn is pretty intense. I wonder what it's about (going to go check). Have a fun reading week. I tend to jump back and forth with books also, though I do try to concentrate on at least one book. :) Sometimes it's hard to make up my mind what to read! :)
