
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday - Characters I'd Name My Children After!

Top Ten Tuesday is an weekly meme hosted by Lori, over at The Broke and the Bookish (love that title - it sooo explains my credit card statement!). Each week participants list their Top Ten choices for a weekly theme. This week's theme is: Top Ten Characters You'll Name Your Children After!

So, without further ado (and in no particular order), here are my Top Ten names:

1. Kethry (Vows and Honour)
2. Phedre (Kushiel's Dart)
5. Ella (Ella Enchanted)
6. Katsa (Graceling)
9. Laurana (Dragonlance Chronicles)
10. Eona (Eon & Eona)

Yes, I know they're all girl's names, but my instincts tell me that any child of mine would be a girl. :)


  1. If you name your child after #8, you might want to spell it Kahlan, because that's how Goodkind spells it ;)

  2. Gee, some parent I'd make when I can't even spell my kid's name right! Thanks for the catch, Brad. :)

  3. THose are great names. I tend to go for girl's names, too, despite the fact I hve 4 boys!

  4. Thanks for checking out my blog! I really like your list of names, too. We have similar taste in names :)

  5. I love the name Lyra! Great list!

  6. Great list! I have always thought Lyra was a pretty name.

    Reading Lark's Top 10

  7. Oh, I really like Ella and Alanna. Pretty!!

    Thanks for the book rec's on Let's Get Beyond Tolerance.


  8. Alanna and Lyra are gorgeous names for girls!
