
Friday, December 17, 2010

Hops, Follows, and Tag Alongs, Oh My!

It's time for another Book Blogger Hop, courtesy of Crazy for Books!

Book Blogger Hop

This week's question is:

"What do you consider the most important in a story: the plot or the characters?"

For me, plot is everything. There needs to be a compelling story that draws me in, captures my attention, and keeps me wanting more. Strong characters are a must, but they can't carry a story alone..

It's also time for the Friday Follow, courtesy of Parajunkee's View!

This week's question is:

Carmel is studying web design... What did you study in college, or are currently studying and did it lead to your current 9 to 5 or are you doing something totally different?

Much to nobody's surprise, I was an English Language & Literature major. My 9-to-5 job is related (P.R. and communications), but not what I expected to be doing when I graduated..

Bouncing Around the Blogs is courtesy of Paranormal and Romantic Suspense Reviews.

The 18 & Over Book Blogger Tag Along is courtesy of Bitten by Paranormal Romance!


The Newbie Blog Hop is courtesy of Lazy Girl Reads (a fellow summer-time debut book blogger).

This week's question is:

What's your favorite feature of online book blogging?

I'm going to go with just being exposed to so many new authors (and fellow readers). I've been introduced to books I never would have come across in the bookstore, and I've thoroughly enjoyed many of them.

As always, I urge you to hop around to some new blogs, tag along with some new friends, and find some great new reviews to follow. I always find something new to delight me!


  1. Stopping by from the 18 & over book hop. Already a follower. Just wanted to say hi.

  2. Hey! Thanks for stopping by for today's #FF and checking out my new blog design. Have you read my featured blogger post yet at Parajunkee's View? Happy weekend!

    Rabid Reads / Twitter

  3. Hey! Thanks for signing up for the blog hop!! Love your blog, looking forward to checking you out daily ;-P I'm your newest follower!

  4. Hi Sally!

    Thanks for stopping by The Enchanted Book! I'm an old follower, but I like to come by and say hi as I read your reviews. I still say you have the most interesting reviews around on some of the most interesting books.

    Have a great one!


  5. Hey there! I'm your newest follower from Follow Friday.

    I really look forward to your coming reviews and features! Happy Friday :)

  6. Thanks for visiting :D

    I like that last thing you said, so true, it is just to hop around and find new bloggers

  7. Hey Sally, thanks for swinging by. It's so hard to say whether character or plot is more important, because they really go hand in hand. It's hard to have one without the other.

  8. This might be the best Book Blogger Hop question I've seen to date.

    So what's the answer? Plot! Hop over to my blog and let me tell you how a good plot rescued bad characters from bad book oblivion.

    Howard Sherman

  9. Thanks for stopping by! There were a lot of people that chose characters! They are important but the plot is what makes the story! Have a great weekend!

  10. Love the title of your blog! Found you through the 18 + tag along. Added myself as a follower.

    Have a great weekend.


  11. Hi! What a cute blog name :) I've been checking out a bunch of your posts, and really liked that you took the Rainbow awards and linked your book reviews there. very smart!

    -Dee, hopping from e-Volving Books

  12. Hi Sally, just tagging along this Sunday evening. I hope that you have a great Christmas week and happy reading!

    old follower =)

  13. I'm hopping by from the Book Blog Hop. I'm going to stay and have a look around, since this looks like a very interesting blog. For me, characters are more important than plot.
