
Friday, December 3, 2010

Hops, Follows, and Tag Alongs, Oh My!

It's time for another Book Blogger Hop, courtesy of Crazy for Books!

Book Blogger Hop

This week's question is:

"What very popular and hyped book in the blogosphere did you NOT enjoy and how did you feel about posting your review?"

To be honest, I'm not one to jump on the book hype bandwagon. My tastes tend to be pretty eclectic, and don't generally coincide with what's generally popular. There are a few books I've read that had some good buzz, but I can't say I was wowed or devastated. As for reviews, I generally try avoid posting wholly negative reviews - I'd rather not review a book than waste space complaining about it.

It's also time for the Friday Follow, courtesy of Parajunkee's View!

This week's question is:

What do you do besides reading / reviewing as a hobby??

I love to get out and go for a hike . . . to get lost in the woods . . . to scramble over the rocks . . . and to break away from the trails and see the things most people never see. There's nothing I love more than getting away from the TV, the phone, the computer, and everything else to find a quiet space beneath the trees, down by the water, where I can sit and write.

Finally, the 18 & Over Book Blogger Tag Along is courtesy of Bitten by Paranormal Romance!


This week's question is:

Do you have a recent hot m/m read? If not tell us another hot read.

You're Invited by Roxy Harte. You can check out my review here.

As always, I urge you to hop around to some new blogs, tag along with some new friends, and find some great new reviews to follow. I always find something new to delight me!


  1. Happy Friday! I rarely jump on the book hype bandwagon either. I have yet to start so many of the really popular series. I suppose I would if I had more time.

    I've heard great things about Roxy Harte. I have her book Sacred Secrets in my TBR pile. Can't wait to start reading!! Have a great weekend.

    Diana @ Book of Secrets
    & The Forbidden Bookshelf

  2. Hey hun thanks for stopping by! Oh Lara's A Midnight Breed series is amazing. I think you will really enjoy it!

    Have a great weekend hun!

    My Bloody Fairy Tale

  3. Hi,
    Yay! It's Friday! I'm so glad for the week to be over maybe now I can get some reading time in. I'm stopping by for the tag along. I hope you have a great weekend!

    Romance Book Junkies

  4. Thank you for hopping by!!!
    Following your blog :)

  5. Already a follower just stopping by to say hi.

  6. Hiya!
    Thanks for stopping by on my blog :-) I don't have a favourite m/m yet (lol) but I love what you've done with the blog :-)


  7. Happy Friday Sally! I agree with you about not wanting to focus on the negative of the books when reviewing. I know this is such a hot topic, and even when I'm reviewing sometimes I'm torn with comments I want to make, but feel uncomfortable saying them.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Tanya @ Among the Muses
    Oh -- I'm stopping by via the 18+ tag-along! :)

  8. I agree that reviews should point out some good parts and not be wholly negative.

    Stopping by from Follow Friday and am your newest follower~~

    Sniffly Kitty
    Sniffly Kitty's Mostly Books

  9. Hey Sally, thanks for stopping by! I'm an old follower of yours.

    I totally agree that Fallen has a gorgeous cover, as does it's sequel. I have yet to read Torment, but I can say that Fallen wasn't that wonderful.

    I agree that it's a good thing to branch away from popular fiction. There are a ton of good authors out there that get little to no recognition for their talents. That's why I love blogging because it gives us a chance to expose people to those books.

  10. Hopping through. I'm not a hiker, but I like running on trails.
    My Hop

  11. Hi, I always try to find something good, and only rarely have totally panned a book. Even if I can only say I liked the cover. And sometimes I will just list some books I didn't finish or didn't enjoy. Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
    twitter: @fangswandsfairy

  12. I enjoy getting away from everything too- I love communicating but sometimes I really just don't want to do it! I like wandering through gardens looking at flowers and just absorbing gorgeous scenery.
