
Friday, November 19, 2010

NEWS: Interview with Kathe Koja

I have to admit, my only exposure to Kathe Koja has been through 2 of her early works, Skin (the story of a kinky menage a trois amongst artists) and Kink (the story of erotic performance art and body modification). They were definitely 100% alternative reads, with a wonderful sense of style, but both were intense and difficult to get through. I was always curious about what else she's written, but for some reason nothing else by her crossed my path.

So, imagine my surprise when I came across an interview with her on the Lambda Literary site this morning and discovered that she has written not just 1, but 7 young adult novels!?! I guess that explains why she fell off my radar a bit. Fortunately, however, she is back with what sounds like a rip-roaring read that's very much for adults.

Under the Poppy is a Victorian era romantic fantasy involving the working girls of a brothel, their patrons, and . . . puppets? The description reads:

Love: it’s a triangle. War: is coming. Betrayal: is inevitable. Sex: watch out for the naughty puppets.

Sounds like an interesting book, and it's been compared favourably to Emma Donoghue’s Slammerkin or Sarah Water’s Fingersmith. That's some good lesbian-friendly literary company to be keeping, so I think I may just be adding this one to my to-be-read list.

Check out the full interview/article here:

Dirty Puppets, Stray Cats & Stage Collaborations

1 comment:

  1. Oh, those naughty puppets...

    Hey gurl, just making the Friday rounds. Happy reading (and blogging!)

    Becky (The Book Frog)
