
Monday, November 22, 2010

NEWS: Interview and Giveaway with Fallon Blake

Diana, over at Book of Secrets, has a great interview with Fallon Blake posted today, along with a giveaway of Fallon's new book, Wrapped Around Your Finger.

Plus-sized fetish model and aspiring chef Indigo Hartley has plenty of tattoos and a fiery attitude to match. When she’s offered a job as a sushi model for one of Miami’s trendiest restaurants, she jumps at the chance. Little does this country-mouse-turned-city-vixen know that what starts out as a modeling job will end up the answer to all of her kinkiest fantasies. Three days serving as a sub to this hot chef is too tempting an offer to refuse.

Banner Faust has worked his ass off and sacrificed his love life to become a rock star in the culinary world. On what should be the biggest night of his career, he realizes something is missing from his life—the submissive woman he’s always craved. The curvy new model with the blue-streaked hair and innate submissive nature just might be the one he’s been waiting for. And when he gets her home—and in his bed—he soon realizes three days will never be enough.

As if that doesn't sound juicy enough (and I do sooo love the book cover), I think I may be crushing on Fallon herself just a little bit (giggle). Among the revelations in her interview with Diana's are: she's weirdly obsessed with zombies and cupcakes; she has a teeny obsession with curvy and sexy pinups; and she is a horror movie fanatic.

Now, if that's not enough to whet your appetite, then you must not be breathing - but that's OK, because Fallon loves zombies! Head on over to Book of Secrets and leave a comment for a chance to win your very own copy.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting about the interview & giveaway! Yes, I have a bit of a crush on Fallon too!!
