
Friday, October 28, 2022

Fetish & Fantasy Freebie Friday - Putting the TG in TGIF!

Well, if it's Friday, then it must be time to bend our way into the weekend with Fetish & Fantasy Freebie Friday!

Every Friday I search through the free titles on Amazon, looking for those that might be of interest to similarly bent readers, fans, and lovers. Even if you don't have a Kindle, you can still download the titles through one of Amazon's free reading applications.

Please do be sure to check the price before downloading anything, as most freebies are limited time offers, and some are specific to certain regions.

While you're on Amazon, if you'd like to support my weekly efforts, my latest (a trans-positive story of erotic horror) just launched and could use a BOOst!


Thursday, October 27, 2022

New Subscription Option:

Good morning, all!

With the promised end to Google's Feedburner feed management service having finally come, you may have noticed an interruption in your emails (if you've been a subscriber). That's my fault for not being more proactive on addressing it, but I've moved things over to and imported all my subscribers, so we should be back in business.

If you're not already subscribing, now is a great time to pop your email in the Get new posts by email box you'll see at the top of the sidebar. Then you never have to worry about missing a post!

And, if you're already a subscriber, offers some cool new features that Feedburner didn't, like being able to define filters and delivery channels, so it's worth checking out.

Thanks so much for your continued support, and my apologies for the hiccup. 

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Book Review: The Witch and the Vampire by Francesca Flores (fantasy, lesbian)

TitleThe Witch and the Vampire
Author: Francesca Flores
Publication Date: March 21, 2023
Publisher: Wednesday Books
Genres: Fantasy
Protagonist Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian

The Witch and the Vampire is a young adult novel that feels rather mature in its blood and carnage, but sometimes very adolescent in its love and tears. 

Francesca Flores has a lovely narrative style at times, which made for an easy read, although she has a tendency to tell too much when she should be showing - and that sometimes means characters literally telling each other what they're feeling. As a result, emotional moments, especially those in flashbacks, often fall flat.

That said, the character voices were strong and distinct, even if some of the villains (I'm looking at you, Zenos) were over-the-top. The world-building was uneven, with too many info dumps, but intriguing in how it grows and evolves over the course of the story. The portrayals of vampires were just about spot-on for the genre, genuinely threatening and fiendishly attractive, while the witches are well-done, although they're more fantasy sorceresses than traditional witches.

Where the story disappointed me the most was with the queer romance. What starts as a friends-to-enemies relationship with a lot of angst and regret drops scattered hints about deeper feelings but, aside from a single kiss, there's nary a hint of romance. Take away that kiss, and the friendship is perfectly sufficient to carry a fantasy quest. When the first line of the blurb promises "a queer Rapunzel retelling," though, there are expectations set that are never fulfilled. On that note, aside from the main character having long hair and spending a few chapters locked in a tower, this has nothing at all to do with the fairy tale.

The climax had a lot going on, and I do mean a lot, and while that made for some exciting chaos, there are a few mythological twists that I question whether they were necessary. I wish The Witch and the Vampire had been as beautiful as the cover, that it had delivered on the queer love story, but I'm still glad I gave it a read.

Rating: ♀ ♀ ♀

My sincere thanks to the publisher for sending me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Fetish & Fantasy Freebie Friday - Putting the TG in TGIF!

Well, if it's Friday, then it must be time to bend our way into the weekend with Fetish & Fantasy Freebie Friday!

Every Friday I search through the weekend's free titles on Amazon, looking for those that might be of interest to similarly bent readers, fans, and lovers. Even if you don't have a Kindle, you can still download the titles through one of Amazon's free reading applications.

Please do be sure to check the price before downloading anything, as most freebies are limited time offers, and some are specific to certain regions.

While you're on Amazon, if you'd like to support my weekly efforts, my latest (a trans-positive story of erotic horror) just launched and could use a BOOst!


Tuesday, October 18, 2022

NEW RELEASE: Lost Ladies of the Nightmare

Just in time for Halloween, the third work of dark fiction from my macabre pen-name, S.B. Medina, is now available!

LOST LADIES OF THE NIGHTMARE is a trans-positive story of erotic horror, set in the haunted ruins of an abandoned brothel known for its controversial history of women loving women, wild orgies, and witchcraft.

Having survived—thrived even—through Prohibition, the Great Depression, World War II, and the beginning of the Cold War, it was the Sixties fascination for witchcraft and the occult that brought about the brothel's downfall. Decades later, two awkward friends find themselves drawn to the ruins one Halloween night, unprepared for the erotic mysteries and Lovecraftian madness that lay inside.

Surviving the night will mean reopening old wounds, facing impossible fears (and fantasies), and confirming what it means to be a woman.



Friday, October 14, 2022

Fetish & Fantasy Freebie Friday - Putting the TG in TGIF!

 Well, if it's Friday, then it must be time to bend our way into the weekend with Fetish & Fantasy Freebie Friday!

Every Friday I search through the weekend's free titles on Amazon, looking for those that might be of interest to similarly bent readers, fans, and lovers. Even if you don't have a Kindle, you can still download the titles through one of Amazon's free reading applications.

Please do be sure to check the price before downloading anything, as most freebies are limited time offers, and some are specific to certain regions.

While you're on Amazon, if you'd like to support my weekly efforts, I have a few stories perfect for the spooky season!
