
Saturday, November 30, 2019

TGCaption - Full-Service Beauty Salon (femdom feminization)

TG Captions are one of my favorite forms of storytelling. There is no narrative fluff, no extraneous details, just the hook, the twist, and the climax.

Another set of trade captions from Rachel's Haven this weekend, this one for Shauna Marie.

With salons and fancy dresses some of her favorite likes, I knew I had to find the right image, and this one just called out to me. There's a contrast there between hair and clothes that made me think they were only getting started, and the look on her face told me she may not have been happy about it all.

TGCaption - Reciprocating Causation (transformation bimbo lesbian)

TG Captions are one of my favorite forms of storytelling. There is no narrative fluff, no extraneous details, just the hook, the twist, and the climax.

Another set of trade captions from Rachel's Haven this weekend, this one for Licy. 

Hopefully this one strikes that right balance between silly and academic. The picture (one of Licy's) was too good not to use, and her prompt about being an academic and open to a little tongue-in-cheek had me inspired.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Freebie Fetish Friday - Putting the TG in TGIF!

Well, if it's Friday, then it must be time to bend our way into the weekend with Freebie Fetish Friday.

Every Friday I search through the weekend's free titles on Amazon, looking for those that might be of interest to similarly bent readers, fans, and lovers. Even if you don't have a Kindle, you can still download the titles through one of Amazon's free reading applications, or covert it with Calibre to load onto a Kobo, iPad, or anything else.

Please do be sure to check the price before downloading anything, as most freebies are limited time offers, and some are specific to certain regions.

