
Saturday, June 30, 2012

REVIEW: Shemale Vice by Crystal Veeyant

Oh my goodness, what an incredibly sexy, entirely satisfying read!

Crystal Veeyant is a natural born storyteller, one who clearly understands that the best erotica is made up of equal parts fantasy and reality, carefully layered against one another so that the reader is never jarred from the fantasy, but instead eased both in to and out of it. Her characters are wonderfully human - flawed, vulnerable, and sympathetic - and there is a clear delineation between lust and love that is all too often overlooked in similar stories.

With Shemale Vice we get a story that strays very much into the real of fantasy, but which never loses sight of its crime drama roots. It is a story of (sometimes broken) dreams and (often not-so) innocent fantasies. There is even a genuine love story running through the story tweaks your heart strings just as effectively as the sex scenes tweak other places.

The sex scenes here (and there are a lot of them!) are almost perfect in their execution, so gorgeously described that you will find it hard to finish the story in one sitting. The important details are slightly exaggerated, playing to the fantasy angle, but not so much so that the reader is forced to question things like size and stamina. Ultimately, though, it is in the climactic moments where Crystal really shines, offering up messy mutual orgasms that satisfy all.

Alongside the sex is a story that is as full of drama and romance as any reader hope to experience, with an ending that might be just a bit too tidy, but which left me with the biggest smile of all. The characters are solid, and the dialogue is perfectly suited to the crime drama story. In the end, Crystal really brings the various elements of the story together, resolving them in such a way that you are left pleasantly surprised, and entirely satisfied.

[Reviewed by Bobbi]

Friday, June 29, 2012

Caressed by a Crimson Moon - COVER REVEAL!

Regular readers of Bending the Bookshelf will know that I'm a huge fan of the lovely Amanda J. Greene and her Rulers of Darkness series. If you've missed them, I invite you to check out my reviews of the first two books in her series:

While an exact release date has yet to be set, I am delighted to be able to reveal the cover of the third instalment in the series, Caressed by a Crimson Moon, coming this winter:

Isn't that absolutely gorgeous?

Not to lead you into temptation or anything, but I'm also pleased to share with you the cover blurb:

Consumed by madness and tormented by dark memories of blood and death, Hadrian Lucretius, King of the Validus Clan, has returned after living in self-imposed exile for nearly three hundred and fifty years.
            To maintain peace with the vampires, Eva Maldonado is offered as a sacrifice to the crazed vampire king by her father, the alpha of the Silveria Shifter Pack. Hadrian’s reputation is both legendary and lethal; he is ruthless, bloodthirsty, lusty, and soulless. When Eva arrives at the ancient fortress high in the Carpathian Mountains, she is shocked to find a ravaged man with dark burning eyes filled with loneliness and dangerous desire.
            Would she be his lover…or his prey? His savior…or his victim? Would Hadrian lure her into madness or would their perilous passion be their redemption?

If you're new to Amanda's world, then you have until winter to catch up, so get reading!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hops, Follows, and Tag Alongs, Oh My!

The Feature & Follow Hop, courtesy of Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read.

Q. Birthday Wishes -- Blow out the candles and imagine what character could pop out of your cake...who is it and what book are they from?

A. That's a tough one, but I think I'd have to go with a pair of my fave celebrities - Christine Beatty (Not Your Average American Girl) or Nina Arsenault (TRANS(per)FORMING Nina Arsenault: An Unreasonable Body of Work). I suspect we'd have a lot to talk about and, from what I know of them both, they would know how to throw an absolutely kick-ass birthday party!

The 18 & Over Book Blogger Follow is a weekly feature that begins on Fridays and runs through the weekend, hosted by Crystal from Reading Between the Wines.

Q. If you could only gift one book to someone which book would it be?

A. Can't I just give them my fully stocked eReader? No? Well, if I must restrict myself to just one book, I guess I'd go with Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey. I honestly cannot think of another book that made me exclaim WOW so often.

REVIEW: Adventures in Fetishland by Slave Nano

Those squeals of gurlish glee that my neighbours have been complaining about for the last week are entirely the fault of Slave Nano. As excited as I was when Sally passed this along to me for review, I could not have anticipated what a thoroughly enjoyable read this would be!

Adventures in Fetishland is a book that works on more levels than any author has a right to expect. It is both a fetish fairy tale and an urban fantasy, full of elements both erotic and mythological. Dreamy and surreal, it does a spectacular job of capturing the spirit of its Wonderland  inspiration, but it also weaves in a strong feminist pagan mythology that underlies its BDSM elements. I spent the first half of the story wondering how it could all be real, and the second half wishing that it were.

Nemesisland is, as the Red Queen states, "a place where she could give expression to her wildest imaginings and where slaves could lose themselves in submission and explore their innermost darkest desires." It is a dark, fairy tale realm where both landscapes and slaves have been altered to serve a role within the story. Tweedledum and Tweedledee, the White Rabbit, the Black Cat, the Mad (Fetish) Hatter, the Purple Caterpillar, the Walrus, the Carpenter, and (of course) Alice all have their roles to play. It is really quite remarkable how well Lewis Carroll's fantasy realm lends itself to a bondage-themed reinterpretation, but that is a testament to Slave Nano's inspired creativity.

This is more than just an exercise in imagination, however - it is also the breathtaking tale of young woman's dance with a destiny. Rescued from the day-to-day servitude of life in a brothel, Kim is taken to Nemesisland and put through a series of trials, consisting of both punishments and pleasures. Over the course of her journey she learns a number of truths about her self, including who she is, where she has come from, and what she is destined to become. I will not offer any spoilers as to what her destiny entails, but it is tied very closely to the mythology behind the fantasy.

Adventures in Fetishland is also a story about trust, a story about the power of true submission. While there are choices to be made, there are no games in Nemesisland, no safe-words, and no limits. Becoming a part of the story means submitting yourself completely, trusting your body and soul to the whims of Nemesis herself (the Red Queen). The bondage and domination scenes are exquisitely crafted, demonstrating Slave Nano's flair for conveying not just the physical sensations of being restrained and punished, but also the thoughts and feelings of letting one's self become completely immersed in submission.

This is a powerful read, and one that demands you submit yourself to the power of the tale. Intensely erotic, it challenges you to control your arousal, to read just one more chapter before submitting to your own physical needs. Intelligent and imaginative, it also challenges you to imagine how Wonderland's fetish transformation will manifest itself next, while managing to surprise and delight at every turn. It is exceedingly rare to find a story that so expertly manages to arouse, entertain, and engage the reader, but Slave Nano has crafted that perfect reading experience.

[Reviewed by Bobbi]

REVIEW: Portside by Elyan Smith

I have to be honest, this was a difficult read for me. The setting was rather ugly and depressing, a small-town on the verge of collapse, filled with people absolutely bereft of hope. The characters were a reflection of their environment, drifters and loners trapped, like the town itself, between their dreams and their vices.

And yet, Iwan somehow managed to work his way into my heart, begging my sympathy, and eventually earning my respect.

Portside is the story of a young man, addicted to gay porn and masturbation first, and to cigarettes and beer second. While he craves the touch of a certain young man down by the docks, his lack of experience leaves him reluctant to approach. Rather than claim the pleasures so freely available at home, he chooses to seek out a gay escort and pay for it in town, before returning home to accept those pleasures as an equal, rather than as an inexperienced virgin.

This is not what I would necessarily call an erotic read, but Iwan's hotel room rendezvous is extremely sexual. It is tentative and awkward, but also sincere in exploring his sexual hunger. Not content to be the submissive young virgin, he makes it clear what he wants, and then takes it. I quite enjoyed his sexual awakening, and even if I had hoped for it, his intimate revelation following the experience came as quite the surprise.

Yes, Iwan frustrated me with his complacency. Between his drinking and smoking, his strained relationship with his mother, and his refusal to take on the petty (yet paying) jobs available, I saw in him just another loser looking for an easy ride. I wanted to turn away, to dismiss him for his attitude, but there was something about  his sense of sexual purpose that made him attractive. Part of me wished he would put half as much thought and effort into finding a job as he did finding a sexual partner, but when his secret was revealed . . . I suddenly understood.

I would love to say more about that aspect of the novel, but it is something to be explored and discovered naturally, as the author intended. It does not completely redeem Iwan, but it does help to explain his situation, and to validate his sincerity. It is still a rather gritty tale of people I am sure I would not want to associate with off the page, but it is also a tale of people making the best of a hopeless situation.

[Reviewed by Bobbi]

INTERVIEW: Marijane Meaker (aka Vin Packer - author of The Evil Friendship)

Prologue Books is an amazing company that is busy converting out-of-print pulp novels into ebooks, electronically tracing the genealogical roots of crime, sci-fi, fantasy, romance, western, and young adult fiction.

In honour of Gay Pride Month, and in celebration of one of their most esteemed authors, they are giving away The Evil Friendship by iconic lesbian pulp fiction author Vin Packer (nee Marijane Meaker) for a week on Amazon. To help celebrate the free release, Marijane has been gracious enough to stop by for a chat!


♥ What are the origins of the Vin Packer name?

I was having lunch with a man named Vincent and a woman whose last name was Packer. I told them I'd just become a Literary Agent after trying in vain to get one. I had printed stationery with Marijane Meaker, Literary Agent on it and all my clients would be me under various pseudonyms.  My first pseudonym would be Vin Packer. And so it was.

♥ How did you come to write your first Vin Packer novel, Spring Fire?

I went to a Southern boarding school where many of the girls and some teachers, too, were gay. This was during WWII and there were no men around, none allowed on that campus anyway. I told Dick Carroll, publisher of Gold Medal Books, that I'd like to write a novel about it. He said there were two things I couldn't do because of the strict postal censors. I could not set it in a boarding school because girls would be underage, and I couldn't have a happy ending because that seemed as though author accepted homosexuality as normal.

♥ How was it received by the Gold Medal publisher, and were you surprised by its pioneering success?

I was amazed by the success of Spring Fire. So were the Fawcett Brothers. Roger Fawcett invited me to the penthouse for a drink.  He announced that "we'd" outsold the paperback edition of God's Little Acre.  He poured water for all our drinks from a special thermos he had made with a tiny penis as the spout. I didn't even tell my parents about the book the cover was so gaudy, nevermind the subject matter.

♥ What was it like to work for Gold Medal back in the Fifties?

It was fun working for Gold Medal because Dick Carroll who was in charge was a joke-telling, scotch-drinking Irishman. He'd been working in Hollywood and he was filled with ideas for books he thought would make good movies and we met often at The Algonquin Hotel, next door to Fawcett. He loved talking book ideas. He was always missing his train to Connecticut and he had an eye for the pretty secretaries who stopped in the Blue Bar, and nursed one drink for hours.

♥ Can you give us an idea of what inspired some ohf your early works like Dark Don’t Catch Me, Young and Violent, The Twisted Ones and Come Destroy Me?

Dark Don't Catch Me was inspired by the Emmett Till murder. The Young and Violent was written when gang wars were in the news and up the street from me was Spanish Harlem where you'd see gang members strutting around in their leather jackets. I don't remember how I came to write The Twisted Ones or what inspired it, but Come Destroy Me was written with an actress named Geraldine Page in mind. Again, Dick with his interest in movies, had taken me to a play she was starring in.  Of course I never met her and although I sent her a copy of the book, there was no reply from her.BUT, that book got me my first review in The New York Times Sunday Mystery Column, written by Anthony Boucher.He'd never reviewed paperbacks, so the book also established a rapport between Boucher and me. I vowed I'd write mysteries from then on, because it was the only place I got reviewed.

♥ Tell us a little about the background for The Evil Friendship. Did you change the details much when you wrote the book?

Soon after I received a New York Times review from Anthony Boucher, I began an interest in crime and hit upon a matricide, the Fraden/Wepman case. Two boys murdered the mother of one hoping to have a homosexual life minus her criticism, plus her money. They were convicted of murder. I recreated this in a book Gold Medal called Whisper His Sin.  It was well reviewed by Boucher and soon after he sent me the court records of a New Zealand trial, two schoolgirls had murdered the mother of one fearing she would move the family away and they would be parted. This was the Parker/Hulme case, and again the guilty ones were convicted of murder. Many many years later when a movie called Heavenly Creatures was  released (based on the same case) it was revealed that Juliet Hume, after her release from prison, grew up to be the famous mystery writer Anne Perry...My book about them became The Evil Friendship.

♥ Which of your Vin Packer books besides Spring Fire sold the best? Did one subject seem to work better than another?

Both books about homosexuality sold well.  The postal censors had made any public interest in the subject very difficult, but in the mid-fifties this was canceled.  The books that existed, like my two matricides and Spring Fire were good sellers.

♥ Which are your personal favorite Vin Packer novels?

My personal favorites of my Packer books was probably The Damnation of Adam Blessing, with Intimate Victims second.

♥ What made you decide to retire the Vin Packer name and start writing under your real name of Marijane Meaker? Was Game of Survival intended to be a break from the Packer name?

After Dick Carroll died in the 60's, Knox Burger took his place. We didn't get along, so I remembered an NAL editor who'd always said he'd like to work with me one day. I decided to leave Fawcett and the Packer name. I was moving into hardcover.  I used my own name but Game of Survival was not really my idea.  For some reason my new editor wanted this book done about people trapped in an elevator.  I made a big mistake telling him I'd do it.  I decided to use the Meaker name because Doubleday had recently bought a book I'd written (under my own name) about famous suicides. It was called Sudden Endings by M.J. Meaker. It did all right for Doubleday but Game of Survival was a dud...During this period I was trying to move to hardcover but it did not pay as well as soft cover and I could not find an editor I thought I could work with...Meanwhile I met Louise Fitzhugh who was just starting to write a children's book for Harper&Row.  She said I should try one because I so often used youngsters in my stories. She also said I should meet Ursula Nordstrom, her editor...I met Ursula. We clicked. I decided to try writing for kids, particularly after reading Paul Zindel's Pigman.  I took the new pseudonym M.E. Kerr, fashioning it from my own last name. I loved writing for kids, still do.

♥ With Scott Free you brought the Vin Packer name back for the first time in 40 years. What made you decide to resurrect it?

I did Scott Free under both names; both were on the cover.  I had already launched Kerr and I was toying with the idea of having a series starring a transsexual detective. I wasn't sure what name to use and somehow I decided to use both Meaker & Packer.  I don't remember my reasoning for that, but I very much enjoyed writing my first series book, Scott Free. Then the publisher folded.  I still want to do the series.

♥ In 1972 you introduced the publishing world to a new pseudonym, M. E. Kerr, and began writing young adult novels. What inspired you to write the Fell Trilogy and how do you feel it differs from the Packer books?

I felt series were going to be featured in YA books and Fell was one of the early series. I was right that YA would take to series, but I think Fell was a little too sophisticated for that age.  I never figured out why it didn't take off but my editor told me the books were not "falling" off the shelves.  I stopped writing Fell after the third one.  I still like the idea of Fell. I lived next door to a policeman for awhile and remembered lots he told me, but I sensed that I wasn't reaching kids because there was very little mail from them, regular or e, and reluctantly I abandoned Fell. I think the books were certainly in the Packer spirit but Packer had more opportunities since her characters could be adult and do and think adult things...I really don't know why Fell didn't click with the young.  They were moving into fantasy then.  I like writing fantasy--have done many short stories--but never tried a fantasy novel.


The Evil Friendship
by Vin Packer

The moment of truth . . .

Mary Drew knelt down on the rug. She leaned forward, her mouth within an inch of Martha’s.

“l love you,” she said. “I’ve loved you from the very moment we met. But I won’t kiss you. I’m so close my lips are almost on yours, but I won’t kiss you.”

Martha looked deeply into the other girl’s eyes for a very long time. “l love you, too,” she said.

Then hungrily they fed on each others lips.

Martha grasped Mary Drew’s hand. “Love me, will you? Not just kisses. Not any more.”

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

REVIEW: Kisser - A Masculine Femininity by Mykola Dementiuk

Mykola Dementiuk is a rare breed of author, a deliberate throwback to the pulp fiction era of the sixties and seventies. In setting his stories within the urban jungle of his youth, back before the term 'gay rights' was coined, he shares with the reader an honest and unflinching recollection of his past and the people within it.

His stories are deliberately rough around the edges, peopled with characters who are as average as they are unsavoury. At times, those characters can make for an unsettling read, but there's also a redeeming quality to Mick's stories that sheds a hopeful light upon even the darkest alleys and dirtiest doorways.

Kisser: A Masculine Femininity is one of his strongest stories yet, filled with more hope, love, and human emotion than any other to date. It's also his least sexual story, although it is (ironically) his most sensual. It's the story of an aimless, sexually confused young man, drawn to other men by the promise of human intimacy. It all begins with a kiss in the park, a tender yet hungry embrace of lips and tongue that sparks something inside him. He questions it, rails against it, and adamantly denies being one of those faggots . . . yet he cannot escape the fact that there is something undeniably 'queer' about himself.

Inspired by that first kiss, he sets out into the gay village in search of his kisser. A little window shopping leads him to the apartment of a complete stranger, but he quickly flees, not interested in a meaningless sexual exchange. By the end of the tale, he's not only discovered a second, better kisser, but a fondness for being called Missy . . . for surrounding himself in feminine perfumes . . . and for being treated tenderly and lovingly by an impotent old man. 

It's a remarkably sweet tale, and one I absolutely did not expect from Mick. Well-written, old-fashioned in its romance, and even rather poignant, Kisser is a story that I suspect will draw a lot of new readers into his world.

[Reviewed by Sally]

GUEST POST: The Appeal of Public Sex by Bonnie Bliss

The Appeal of Public Sex
by Bonnie Bliss

Now, in all fairness, not everyone has an exhibitionist kink. I just happen to be one of those people that, if you wouldn't get arrested for getting down in the middle of the park--I would be doing it all the time. Yes, my kink stems from a need that deep. My husband however, is not as needy as I am. He enjoys the thrill of possibly getting caught, but not so much the intimate display of performing for others. I am all his, end of.

Therefore, I have to act out my need in a healthier and more legal fashion. In my books! In Bondage on the 4th of July, our girl Millie is caught in the middle of a D/s ménage in the middle of her backyard while the fireworks are going off.

Is this a fantasy of mine?

You bet it is. When I first came up with this scene in my brain, I knew that I had to give it a voice, bring it to life, and tell a story. I needed a girl that was fighting for a bit of freedom. I needed two men that weren't afraid to take a risk. And I needed a scenario that would still wrap together a happily ever after, or rather, a happy for now ending that would please the reader. In all my internal banter, I came up with Millie, Brad, and Kenny. The token girl next door and two Marines that are home on leave for only a week. You can just imagine all that sexual tension wrapped up, especially considering that Millie and Brad have been hopelessly in love with one another since High School. Unafraid and unwilling to spoil a friendship, I created Kenny. The smart mouthed Texan unafraid to give a woman what she needs, and allow his best friend to live out his dream. For him to also get the girl he wants.

So, where there is a fantasy, there is also one hell of a hot sexual encounter to be had. Will I one day be able to live out this dream of having a ménage under fireworks. I would say no. For me my husband (Sir) is the only man for me. Will he take me under the blast of fireworks with just the two of us, a picnic bench, and some rope?

Well, that remains to be seen--it's not July 4th yet.


Bondage on the 4th of July is now Available!

Millie Newton has been in love with her neighbor and best friend, Brad Cooper for as long as she can remember. She harbored a secret crush for years, hoping for the one chance with him. It was stolen from her when he enlisted in the Marines, and was sent away. The last time he was home on leave she missed him. This time, at the 4th of July block party she knows it is her chance to get what she wants. Only a surprise has come along with Brad, his buddy, Kenny Willet. She has no clue that Brad is a Dominant in the BDSM scene in Chicago, and Kenny is a Sexual Sadist. Millie simply decides its time. When Brad and Kenny decide they want her together, fireworks erupt in a 4th of July spectacular that none of them anticipated.



The voice slid over her flesh like wet silk--cool, damp, but altogether appealing when confronted with it. Her fingers wiggled, tiny tremors took over her body and her phone slipped right from her hands into the grass. Millie hadn't looked up yet. Her throat contracted to get rid of the abundance of saliva that filled her mouth. Her gaze shifted to see the large, callused hands that picked up her phone before disappearing from sight. Visibly shaken by his sudden appearance, she gave herself a firm mental reprimand, and allowed her gaze to travel up his body. His jeans encased firm things, a tight t-shirt covered steel like abs, and broad shoulders that could keep her safe for the rest of her life. Finally, her eyes locked with his. The devastating smile that decorated his masculine features made her want to sigh like some virgin in a Harlequin novel. He was perfect. For her, he was everything she wanted in a man, and that would never change. To be with any other man would be settling for second best. She didn't want to settle. She wanted him, and this time around she would have him.

Get it together, Millie.

Pressing her lips together, and rising from her chair, she launched herself at Brad. He caught her easily, with a deep, rolling chuckle that made her heart beat faster, and wetness to seep between the now swelling slit between her legs. It was so much, it was overload, and she could feel her skin start to heat with a blush. His thick arms wrapped around her back and waist and she buried her face in his shoulder.

“I'm missed you, dummy.” She nearly purred against the bare flesh of his neck.

“Missed you too, kid.”

It was like ice water between her legs.


She wanted to scream, cry, and then punch him in the face. Her nipples were like hard pebbles poking through her tank top and against his chest, and he didn't feel that? Kid? Her inner musings were shut down as he loosed his grip and started to slide her down his body. She avoided eye contact.

“I'm glad your home. Food is over there if you want any.”

She was abrupt and wanted to get away to plan a new form of attack. Maybe she needed to change into a skirt with no panties.

God, you're not a slut, Millie.

No, she wasn't. But she had seen him laughing and flirting with those other girls from the neighborhood, and they were all in micro minis and tube tops. She was the cute girl next door with shorts and a tank top.

“Millie I--“

“Hey, buddy, aren't you going to introduce me to the infamous best friend.”


You can buy Bondage on the 4th of July at:

All Romance




*Coming Soon to Barnes and Noble*


Check out Bonnie's sites below to learn more about her and her work:

Bonnie’s Website:
Bonnie’s Facebook Page:
Bonnie on Twitter: @bonnie_bliss
Bonnie on Goodreads: Bonnie_Bliss

Waiting on Wednesday - The Constantine Affliction by T. Aaron Payton

"Waiting On" Wednesday spotlights upcoming releases that everyone's excited about (created by Jill at Breaking The Spine).

The Constantine Affliction by T. Aaron Payton

1864. London is a city in transition. The Constantine Affliction–a strange malady that kills some of its victims and physically transforms others into the opposite sex–has spread scandal and upheaval throughout society. Scientific marvels and disasters, such as clockwork courtesans, the alchemical fires of Whitechapel, electric carriages, and acidic monsters lurking in the Thames, have forever altered the face of the city.

Pembroke “Pimm” Hanover is an aristocrat with an interest in criminology, who uses his keen powers of observation to assist the police or private individuals–at least when he’s sober enough to do so. Ellie Skyler, who hides her gender behind the byline “E. Skye,” is an intrepid journalist driven by both passion and necessity to uncover the truth, no matter where it hides.

When Pimm and Skye stumble onto a dark plot that links the city’s most notorious criminal overlord with the Queen’s new consort, famed scientist Sir Bertram Oswald, they soon find the forces of both high and low society arrayed against them. Can they save the city from the arcane machinations of one of history’s most monsters–and uncover the shocking origin of . . . THE CONSTANTINE AFFLICTION. [August 7, 2012]

A virus that transforms the residents of Victorian London into the opposite sex? I am so excited to give this one a read!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Beauty’s Enchanted Beasts GIVEAWAY

Excerpt from Beauty’s Enchanted Beasts by Jessica Frost

Elizabeth continued to search, opening doors to empty rooms or storage areas, until she came to a door and, upon opening it, was surprised to see a man sat on a chaise longue reading a book.
“I’m terribly sorry. I thought this was the door leading outside,” she said blushing, trying to close the door behind her.
He instantly stood up, a look of shock plastered on his face. His wide eyes just stared at her while he remained silent. Then he broke eye contact and cleared his throat.
“It’s quite all right.” He approached her with a bright smile. The sparkle in his sharp eyes looked familiar and she lost her breath for a moment. “You must either be Lady Elizabeth or her sister, Ann.”
He took her hand and bowed, bringing her hand to his warm lips. Never breaking his fixed gaze on her, he continued, “But from my brother’s description, you must be the beautiful Lady Elizabeth, no doubt.”
Her cheeks warmed at his compliment and she couldn’t help but stare back at him in a trance. His beautiful azure eyes bewitched her, as did his full lips and strong chin. When she finally acknowledged in her mind she had been gawking, she immediately lowered her gaze to the floor in embarrassment. Words to reply came languidly as time seemed to stop. After taking a shallow breath, she said, “I didn’t realize the Duke of Norfolk had a brother.”
He chuckled. “Younger brother who gives him more headaches than he’d care to have, I’m afraid. Perhaps that is the reason he never mentioned me. My name is George.”
“Oh, well, your brother and I haven’t really spoken often, or for long. We’ve barely conversed.”
His brow lifted in apparent surprise. “Really? And yet here you are, Norfolk Castle your new permanent residence.”
“That, my lord, is your brother’s doing, not mine. I had no say in this arrangement he and my father made.” Her anger rose.
“Ah, yes, the supposed bet. Yes, yes, I had forgotten about that.” He walked around her tapping his index finger on his pursed lips while he looked her over like a prize.
It was obvious the Duke’s brother had his same rude manners and disrespect for women. Yet surprisingly a part of her found George’s admiring attention flattering. Before she could open her mouth to put him in his place, he remarked, “What if there were no bet, my lady?”
“Pardon me?” She frowned, not understanding his question completely.
“What if there really were no bet? Would you have come to live here just the same?” he asked as he came to stand before her a mere few inches away. She could swear she heard his heart beating for how close he stood. His virility seemed to intoxicate her that instant.
“If there were no bet? Well, of course I wouldn’t.”
“Ever!” she reiterated with a firm tone.
“Even if your life were in danger?” George said, inching his face closer to hers while his gorgeous eyes fixed on her lips.
Her lips throbbed under his hungry stare and her voice cracked. “No, not even then.”
He broke his gaze then and frowned. “I see.” He turned and walked to the window, staring outside with a blank, far-off expression for a moment.
Feeling awkward, and disappointed he had diverted his attention elsewhere, she made her way to the door. “I’m sorry for interrupting you. I’ll be on my way now.”
He turned to look at her. “Where was it you were headed, my lady?”
“I was trying to find the door that led to the garden outside. I saw it from my bedroom upstairs and wanted to take a leisurely walk in it.”
“It’s a beautiful day outside and the perfect time for a walk in the gardens.” He walked up to her and extended his arm for her to take. His brow lifted and a smile spread over his lips. “If my lady would allow me the honor of showing her our prized gardens, I’d love to show them to you.”
Blushing once more, she replied, “I don’t want to be a bother, my lord. You were reading when I interrupted you.”
“Yes, and the book was dreadfully boring. I’d much prefer the company of a beautiful lady.”
Her brow lifted in warning at his wording and he laughed at his gaffe. “I mean I’d much rather accompany a beautiful lady to see our gardens than read a boring book.”
She looped her arm through his. A tiny shock, when her hand made contact with his, traveled through her arm and targeted her chest. Her breath caught in her throat and her legs became weak for a second.
He pulled her in closer, wrapping his arm around her waist, and began to guide her through the door into the corridor.
Being so close to him as they walked made her palms sweaty and her mouth dry. She wished the lump in her throat would dislodge so she could begin to breathe again. Her bodice tightened on her breasts as she tried to expand her chest to take in air. Then an uncontrollable, arousing urge she had never before experienced overcame her.
In fear of the unbounded excitement surging in her body, she desperately wanted to break free from him and run in urgency.


About the Book:

Beauty’s Enchanted Beasts  
Spells of Seduction—Book 1
By Jessica Frost

Erotic Historical Fantasy/Paranormal MĂ©nage a Trois Romance, M/F/M, werewolves

Elizabeth Stuart thought she couldn’t hate the Duke of Norfolk any more than she did. After he wins her in a bet and she’s forced to live in his castle, she learns she was wrong. Penniless and distraught, she moves in, vowing to make him pay.

Richard Albert has loved Elizabeth for so long. When her father asks his help in protecting Elizabeth from the evil sorceress Pondora, he agrees wholeheartedly, not knowing Elizabeth’s father lied about why she’ll be staying with him. Now she thinks he’s evil incarnate.

George Albert’s not happy his brother brought Lady Elizabeth there. Considering the danger that lurks in Castle Norfolk’s dungeon, she’s no safer with them. But after seeing how much Richard loves her and realizing she’s the woman of George’s sexual dreams, whom he so desires, he changes his mind and plans on making every one of his erotic dreams come true.

Soon these three get caught in a web of deceit, sex, and love. Little do they know Pondora has figured a way past the castle’s enchantment and intends on executing her deadly curse.

Available at:

Barnes and Noble


About the Author:

Jessica Frost has always had a passion for fiction and the written word. Add to that her wild, vivid imagination and her pure romantic tendencies and she soon realized she had the traits needed to become a romance author. She decided to take the very big first step not that long ago and wrote her first erotic romance story. And she has not looked back since. Being a romance writer is a dream come true for her. Having the opportunity to create fantasy worlds where anything and everything can happen is an amazing feeling. She hopes these worlds and the delightful characters she creates will bring hours of enjoyment to her readers as they have done for her.


Follow Jessica on her Bewitching Book Tour for a chance to win 1 of 2 prizes tour-wide. Each winner will get a $10 Amazon gift ecard with a choice of 2 of Jessica’s ebooks from either the Spells of Seduction or Haven for the Lustfully Damned series (winner’s choice).

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Stacking The Shelves for Mailbox Monday

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme being hosted by the lovely Tynga over at Tynga's Reviews, designed to share the newest addition to our shelves. Mailbox Monday is a similar meme with a roving band of hosts (thanks to Marie at Burton Book Review for hosting this month).

Nothing new purchased this week, but we did get some exciting titles for review:
Incursion by Aleksandr Voinov

Plucking Cupid's Bow by Rebecca Murphy & Alex Potvin

All My Crimes by Tal Valante

Mockingbird by Theodore Marquez

What did add to your shelves this week? I'm dying to know!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Hops, Follows, and Tag Alongs, Oh My!

The Feature & Follow Hop, courtesy of Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read.

Q. If you could “unread” a book, which one would it be? Is it because you want to start over and experience it again for the first time? Or because it was THAT bad?

A. Okay, this one required a bit of thought . . . I think I'd like to go back and unread the Strange Highways collection from Dean Koontz. That's where our literary love affair (which, admittedly, was already beginning to get rocky) really fell apart. 

The 18 & Over Book Blogger Follow is a weekly feature that begins on Fridays and runs through the weekend, hosted by Crystal from Reading Between the Wines.

Q. If your current read was made into a movie who would you cast as the characters?

A. I try very hard not to cast my reads. The movie versions never measure up, so in even trying to casting the characters it seems like I'm dooming the read to failure. I'd rather stick with the characters as they first appear to my mind's eye, fresh and new and perfect, untainted by celebrity scandal or blockbuster flops. :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

REVIEW: Consequences by Mark Andrews

Consequences by Mark Andrews is as sadistic a book as one can ever imagine.

It’s a story about the settling of scores of a woman scorned. If one can find redeeming social value in this over-the-top, extreme and cautionary tale, it could only be that it serves as a warning to be cautious about stealing away another's love or you may pay. The reparation here though, seems a bit stronger than one might expect from ordinary Karma.

As the narrative unfolds, Judy’s fiancĂ© leaves her for another woman. The spurned Judy, our protagonist, pours out her heart to Dr. Partridge, a renowned psychiatrist. Although Judy begins her psychotherapy in the throes of a deep, dark depression, she is amazed to soon learn that the good doctor can do much more than assist her to process her feelings. Dr. Partridge presents a horrible and diabolical plan of vengeance and the two conspiratorial women launch a plot against Amelia, the sultry temptress who stole away Judy’s fiancĂ©.

It’s a highly unorthodox yet perfect answer that makes The Island of Doctor Moreau, appear like Mary Poppins. As my caution to prospective readers, this work is a complete horror show, presenting the worst elements of human behavior.

It’s mean-spirited and disgusting yet, I couldn’t put it down.

[Reviewed by Samuel]

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday - Confessions of a Teenage Hermaphrodite by Lianne Simon

"Waiting On" Wednesday spotlights upcoming releases that everyone's excited about (created by Jill at Breaking The Spine).

Confessions of a Teenage Hermaphrodite by Lianne Simon

Born between the sexes, Jamie must leave behind a young girl's dreams to become the man her family expects. Jamie was born with a testis, an ovary, and a pixie face. He could be a boy after minor surgery and a few years on testosterone. At least, that's what his parents always say; but he sees an elfin princess in the mirror. 

When a medical student tells Jamie that he should have been raised female, he explores and discovers the life he could have as a girl. The elfin princess can thrive, but will she risk losing her family and her education for a boyfriend who may leave her, and a toddler she may never be allowed to adopt? [Sept 18, 2012]

This is a book I'm very excited about. I just got my hands on an advance copy to review for Frock, and I'm anxious to give it a read. For a sneak peek at the first chapter, hop on over to Lianne's site and treat yourself to a read.

REVIEW: Stealth by Nifi Seti

Stealth is a novel with an interesting premise that never got off the ground. Judging from the beginning, I would have expected that the main protagonist, an intersex individual who, having been raised as a male child, experienced a surgical intervention to reconcile her ambiguous genitalia with her female persona, would be dealing with her gender issues on some level. However, this was just not the case, at least not directly, as she went about her life and her job as an investigative reporter for a San Francisco newspaper in a “normal” female gender role, with nary a later reference to her transformation. OK, the book is called, “Stealth.” However, I found that this novel, amazingly enough, was to the issue of gender identity, as alien abductions are to the subject of cooking.

It appears that the story itself was operating in “stealth” mode. For me, the stealth reference proved to be just too obscure.  Maybe that was the author’s point, but, if this was the case, this book proved to be a “one-trick pony.”  Additionally, I found Stealth to be lacking in candor, openness and without a relational quality to the characters that would have provided some redeeming value. I found no in-depth character interactions other than nasty arguments. There was some sex, but even that fell flat. In fact, almost everything about this novel had a two-dimensional, hollow feeling to it. Yes, there was a sense of growing mystery as to who was setting the fires that were consuming the fields and forests of he Australian Outback, but that was not enough to provide a sense of worth to the reader’s investment.

The book is filled with unlikable and shallow characters, people who become only moderately interesting when they are arguing and angry with each other. There was some sense of wonderment and anticipation about the possible potential for a romantic relationship that never got off the ground. Characters seem to fade in and out with the author sometimes shifting gears so quickly I never realized we were in a different scene. In the final analysis, I found this to be a non-gender identity novel, cloaked in an uninteresting mystery.

Another thing, according to the website of the Intersex Society of North America, iterations of the intersex condition typically show up in about 1 in 1500 births, so although being intersex is a fairly common condition, it’s still a bit rare. That’s fine, but although I forgot much of my college statistics courses, I wonder what are the odds of two such individuals randomly and arbitrarily appearing as characters in the same book in a somewhat forced attempt to tie the story together and make it meaningful?  I’m afraid we’re pushing the envelope here.

Finally, I must say that about three quarters of the way through, when I had just about given up hope for any understanding of what this was all about, I did finally come to realize that all the folks had secrets they were being stealthy about. Eureka, I finally got it! I then recalled that early on there had been a remark by one or another of the characters to the effect that "what we don't share about, we're stuck with." Was that this “stealth” meaning?  We all have secrets? Yes, this novel was finally beginning to make some sense, but alas, much too late for my enjoyment.

[Reviewed by Samuel]

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

REVIEW: Kill Me by Alex Owens

Alex Owens' Kill Me is the first volume of the Blood Chord sequence, an interesting mix of motherhood, music, vampires, and erotic desires.

It all starts out as a straight-forward piece of chick-lit fiction, with a harried working mother struggling to juggle the demands of a career with those of a resentful husband and a lonely daughter. Claire is a bit awkward, adding a lightly comic tone to the story, and her strained relationship serves to ground the overall story. You can't help but immediately like her. Alex does a wonderful job of establishing her as a strong and admirable woman, more than worthy of our respect, while also developing her as a sympathetic character.

By contrast, Bette is a suave, sophisticated woman with genuine old-word class - a naturally powerful seductress who immediately insinuates herself into Claire's thoughts. I loved the interaction between these two characters, especially the prolonged homoerotic tease. It's a fine line to walk, keeping the sexual tension fresh and exciting, without exhausting the reader's patience for some kind of consummation, but Alex clearly understands the sensuality of the 'classic' vampire archetype.

The introduction of Gregor, another vampire into the mix, was definitely not something I expected, but Alex plays out the love/lust triangle very well. Claire spends so much of the book completely out of her depth, strung along, and forced to react to these two supernaturally powerful individuals, that it's exhilarating to see her discovering her own hidden strengths, ultimately wresting control of the unbreakable bond between vampires . . . and bending it to her own needs.

Almost primarily sensual and romantic, there are some very explicitly erotic scenes that are developed and introduced in such a way that they seem a natural progression of the storyline. They're definitely steamy, and a little dreamy, but they work very well within the context of the story, the path that's Clarie's life has taken, the way her relationships have developed, and the overall vampire mythology.

It's not your traditional, action-packed vampire tale, but it is one that's full of conflict - emotional, psychological, and (at times) extremely physical. Fast, fun, and . . . dare I say it, empowering . . . this is a wonderful story and one that will leave you anxious for more. 

[Reviewed by Sally]

Monday, June 18, 2012

GUEST POST: How ‘Alice in Wonderland’ inspired my erotic novel by Slave Nano

How ‘Alice in Wonderland’ inspired my erotic novel
Slave Nano

There are certain books that are so iconic they provide inspiration for other writers and artists.  Lewis Caroll’s classics, ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass’, are two such books and I drew on them as the inspiration for my own bdsm/fetish reinvention of them in ‘Adventures in Fetishland’.

The ‘Alice’ books provide great material for a bdsm re-working.  For starters, they are one of those rare works where the characters are so well recognised that your readers will understand the references. They have become ingrained in our collective consciousness, not just through Lewis Caroll’s original stories and Sir John Tenniel’s iconic illustrations but also through numerous film and television re-interpretations.  Who hasn’t heard of Alice, the White Rabbit or the Red Queen?

Although conceived as children’s books they have a dark underbelly to them, which many artists and illustrators have drawn out, and this lends itself to the creation of an alternative bdsm/fetish world.  Many of the characters have a nightmarish quality about them and this was an atmosphere I wanted to capture in my book.

In my version Alice becomes the main character, Kim, who is rescued from the massage parlour where she works and brought to serve the Red Queen in the fetish fantasyland she has created.  In the books Alice shows various responses to the ‘Wonderland’ world she finds herself in; alternately confused, argumentative or bemused within her new surroundings as she attempts to make sense of them.  I have attempted to capture some of that range of qualities in Kim.  She faces a series of trials and challenges in which she is tested by the Red Queen. These involve exposure to different BDSM or fetish scenes, many of which are pretty dark and intense.  Having said that, these are balanced against other scenes that draw on the humour in the original Alice stories in which Kim can recognise the absurdity of some of the situations she finds herself in.  I’ve tried to work in some of the reactions Alice has so there are times when Kim is defiant, wilful, playful or just plain confused as she tries to make sense of this strange new fetish fantasy world she becomes part of.

The Red Queen is a red and black PVC clad dominatrix who rules over Nemesisland, a fetish fantasy world of her own creation appearing throughout the book in numerous guises and costumes.  The developing relationship between Kim and The Red Queen and her journey into submission forms the heart of the narrative of the story.  In this case the portrayal of the Red Queen and the illustrations of her in ‘Alice in Wonderland’ didn’t really help.  This definitely wasn’t how I wanted my Red Queen to look!  However, there were traces of her unpredictability and flashes of temper that I could, and did, use.  In the case of my Red Queen I’ve put together elements of a flesh and blood dominatrix, a classic story book character, images from a graphic story, a stunning outfit by a designer of fetish clothing and some of my own imagination to bring her to life and onto the written page.

The story also draws inspiration from other characters in the ‘Alice’ books.  The Red Queen has The Duchess as her transvestite lady-in-waiting and companion.  The Cheshire Cat becomes the black cat, who acts as a guide to Kim through the strange world she finds herself in and also relates the back-story that explains why she has been selected and brought to serve The Red Queen.  Of course there had to be a tea party, so the ‘Fetish’ Hatter, hare and dormouse all make an appearance in a fetish tea party with some comic fun involving ‘tea’ and cup-cakes!  The White Rabbit, Tweedledum and Tweedledee, the Caterpillar, the Walrus and the Carpenter and the Lion and the Unicorn all also make an appearance in the book.

Like Alice, in this version of the tale, Kim also has a lot of adventures but of a bdsm and fetish kind.  The book contains scenes of bondage, cock and ball torture, nipple torture, corporal punishment, electrical play, hot wax play, medical play, food play, breathe play, strap-on play and cling film mummification, so there are some quite descriptive BDSM scenes in there.  Kim becomes a willing and enthusiastic partner as the Red Queen torments her into submission. But Kim is somebody special to the Red Queen and there is a much deeper purpose behind her being brought to serve her.


About the Book:

Adventures in Fetishland
by Slave Nano

In this bdsm re-invention of the Alice stories Kim’s life takes an unexpected twist when she is taken from the massage parlour she works in to a fetish fantasy world ruled over by the Red Queen, a powerful dominatrix. There, an intense psychological drama is played out between the two women as Kim enters a journey into submission. The Red Queen assumes different characters who torment Kim in a series of trials ranging from the funny and strange to the sadistic and erotic.  Kim is lured deeper into this world by hints the Red Queen knows something about her past.  Why has she been chosen to serve this powerful female?  Why is the Red Queen so interested in her?  When Kim finally finds out the truth, it is shocking and bizarre.Buy links

Adventures in Fetishland is available at:

Xcite Books
Amazon UK
Amazon US


The metal tips of her stiletto shoes clicked against the black and white chequer board floor tiles; each step instinctively, without thought or effort, alternating between black and white.  As she made her stately progress across the tiled floor she mused on the aptness of the symbolism that reflected the extremities of the world she inhabited and held sway over: darkness and light, cruelty and kindness, pain and pleasure, humiliation and reward. She commanded over her domain like a chess master playing a twisted and beautifully imagined chess game in which she, the Red Queen with a black heart, orchestrated proceedings and her slaves were pawns.  She stood before her gothic mirror and admired her image reflected within its black cast iron frame.  The Queen of Hearts was ready.

“How do I look Duchess?” she asked, turning to her transvestite companion and lady in waiting. 

“I’m speechless, madam, really I am.  You look absolutely stunning, a true fetish red queen,” she answered.

She examined her image in the mirror carefully appraising every detail of her dress and make-up to ensure it met her exacting standards.  She held her body upright and smoothed the shiny metallic red pvc panel of the ankle-length skirt, straightened her ruby encrusted tiara and made a final adjustment to the black heart-shaped choker around her neck. Yes, she thought, she looked perfect.  

She turned and stepped off the black and white floor tiles taking a few steps to face one of the male slaves who served in her realm.  His wrists were secured with leather cuffs, which had a rope attached to them and threaded through a metal ring fixed into the ceiling pulled tight so that his arms were stretched out.  His ankles were similarly bound in leather cuffs and secured to rings set in the floor, his legs stretched just wide enough to cause discomfort but for the soles of his feet to lie flat on the black carpeted floor.

Hanging from him his balls was a large cast iron ball weight forged into the letter ‘N’.  ‘N’ for Nemesis, the Queen of Hearts smiled to herself, the name taken from the Greek goddess of fate and retribution and one of the personas she adopted in the fetish fantasy realm she had created and ruled over.  She lifted the weight up and traced her finger along the letter and then let it drop heavily.  The blindfolded man gasped as the velocity of the falling weight stretched his balls.  The Red Queen merely laughed sadistically at his predicament.  She gestured to the Duchess who, silently and secretly, stood behind her helpless victim and lifted the blindfold from his eyes to reveal the vision of his mistress transformed into the Queen of Hearts.

The cruel piercing blue eyes, framed in ruby streaked ebony hair, met her victim’s as the blindfold was removed permitting him to feast his eyes on her.  He gasped and then moaned in homage at the formidable and ravishing presence before him. She stood there, her heaving cleavage held tight in a shiny electric red pvc bodice festooned with black hearts and framed with a ruff in gold.  This is the part I love, she mused.  The look in their eyes when she reveals herself; that look of mesmerised devotion mixed with fear, fear of the unknown, fear of the seductive torment they know she is capable of inflicting on them.  

“So, are you ready to submit to the Queen of Hearts?”


About the Author:

Slave Nano writes stories drawing on the themes of female supremacy, goddess worship, bondage, domination and submission, sado-masochism and fetish, frequently in fantasy, paranormal or historical settings.

His work usually has dominant female characters and submissive males. His stories explore the tensions between dominant and submissive and the boundaries between pain and pleasure, physical and mental bondage and retribution and reward.

Slave Nano lives in Yorkshire in the United Kingdom.  He works full time and juggles his writing with this.  His work has been published by Xcite Books and House of Erotica.

Find out more about Slave Nano at or check out his Facebook page.


Be sure to stop by late this week when Candace shares her review of Adventures in Fetishland.